Canada's top military commander slams U.S. senator for questioning women's role in combat

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (AP) The first woman to command Canada's military called out a U.S. senator Saturday for questioning the role of women in combat.
Gen. Jennie Carignan responded to comments by Idaho Republican Sen. Jim Risch, ranking member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who was asked Friday whether President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth should retract his comments that he believes men and women should not serve together in combat units.
I think it is delusional for anyone to disagree that women in combat create certain unique situations that must be dealt with. I think the jury is still out on how to do that,” Risch said during a panel discussion at the Halifax International Security Forum on Friday.
Carignan, Canada's chief of defense staff and the first woman to command the armed forces of a Group of 20 or Group of Seven country, disputed those remarks during a panel discussion Saturday.
“If I may, I would like to perhaps first respond to Senator Risch's statement yesterday about women in combat, because I would not want anyone to leave this forum with the idea that women are a distraction for defense and national security,” Carignan said.
After 39 years of career as a combat arms officer and risking my life in numerous operations around the world, I cannot believe that in 2024, we still have to justify the contribution of women to their defense and at their service, in their country. I wouldn't want anyone to leave this forum with the idea that this is some sort of social experiment.
Carignan said women have been participating in combat for hundreds of years, but have never been recognized for fighting for their country. She noticed the presence of military women in the room.
All the women sitting here in uniform, who step up and decide to put themselves in harm's way and fight for their country, should be recognized for doing so,” she said. Again, it's the distraction, not the women themselves.”
Carignan received a standing ovation at the forum, which attracts defense and security officials from Western democracies.
Hegseth reignited a debate that many thought had long been settled: Should women be allowed to serve their country by fighting on the front lines?
The former Fox News commentator has made clear, in his own book and in interviews, that he believes men and women should not serve together in combat units. If Hegseth is confirmed by the Senate, he could attempt to end the Pentagon's nearly decade-old practice of opening all combat jobs to women.
Hegseth's remarks generated a deluge of praise and condemnation.
Carignan was promoted to general during a change of command ceremony last summer, after being chosen by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government to become Canada's first female defense chief.
Carignan is no stranger to firsts. She was also the first woman to command a combat unit in the Canadian army and her career included deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Syria.
For the past three years, she has served as chief professional conduct and culture officer, a position created in the wake of the 2021 sexual misconduct scandal.
His appointment this year comes as Canada continues to face criticism from NATO allies for not spending 2% of its gross domestic product on defense. The Canadian government recently declared that it would meet its commitment to NATO by 2032.
Risch said Friday that Trump would mock Canada's current military spending plans and said the country needs to do more.
The story continues
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