Storm Bert: Roads and trains blocked amid reports of lack of warning for community live updates | uk weather

Met Office: 'The impact of Storm Bert will continue to cause disruption'
In its most recent update, the Met Office said the impact of Storm Bert would continue to cause disruption as it progressed today.
Andy Page, Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office, said:
The impact of Storm Bert will continue to cause disruption as we experience it today and several warnings for wind and rain have been issued.
Although the risk of snowfall has now reduced, rainfall will still affect most of the UK today, particularly parts of south-west England and South Wales, although the heaviest rain in these areas will ease throughout the day.
Strong southerly winds continue today and warnings have been issued for gusts to peak up to 60mph in central, southern and eastern England, Northern Ireland and western Scotland, with gusts possibly reaching over 70mph along some exposed coasts.
He said the warnings could still be revised, possibly at short notice, and urged people to check the latest forecasts.
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Here are some of the latest images from Northamptonshire, where severe flood warnings remain in place for the River Nene at Billing Aquadrome and nearby business parks.
A man stands on a footbridge and looks at the rising river levels of the Nene River. Photograph: Phil Noble/ReutersFloodwater covers part of Billing Aquadrome in Northamptonshire. Photograph: Jordan Pettitt/PA An ambulance goes through flood water near Billing Aquadrome in Northamptonshire. Photo: Jordan Pettitt/PAShare
The BBC reported that 57 children were rescued from a school bus stranded in floods near Eckington Bridge across the River Avon.
Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service mobilized two boats to rescue the victim, and no injuries were reported. The students are understood to be from Prince Henry High School in Evesham, Worcestershire.
Our video team produced this report featuring footage of the aftermath of Storm Bert in the UK and Ireland.
Storm Bert strikes part of a British video reportRachel Obordo
People across England and Wales are facing severe travel disruption due to flooding.
Linda, from Manchester, who was visiting York with her partially disabled family, described the travel disruption caused by the weather at Leeds station on Sunday night after the 9pm train was cancelled.
Despite some panic we managed to get to Leeds by 10.30pm and it was chaos. The last train returning was delayed and ultimately cancelled, after being taken to two different platforms and made to go up and down stairs and lifts.
By 11pm, Platform 11D in Leeds was shaking. The staff said they would organize transportation and take us to the concourse, but there was a lot of confusion. Outside, taxis lined up steadily through a blocked section of the highway, no one knowing who they were for. We ended up getting one, and arrived home at 1:20am.
A large crowd gathered at Leeds station on Sunday night. Taken at 10:59 p.m. Photo: Linda/Guardian Community
Lucy, 19, a PPE student at the University of Oxford, is stuck in Bristol after visiting friends at the weekend. She and two friends, Fred and Livia, were due to catch a train back to Oxford at 6pm, but it was cancelled. They then booked an Uber but could only get as far as the outskirts of Bristol before turning back due to flooded roads.
Luckily we were able to stay one night with our friend Anna, but this meant there were four of us in one room. I ended up lying on the floor because I had a sleeping bag. Today, two of us have an essential tutorial you won't want to miss. Some teachers may be understanding, but others believe you should not leave college during the semester. Thankfully, the teacher in the Ill be Miss tutorial is quite understanding. The roads seem to be in good condition, so I'm using Uber right now, but I think it will cost around 100.
Lucy and her friend Livia are staying in Bristol due to flooding. Photo: Lucy/Guardian Community
If you have been affected by flooding from Storm Bert, you can share your experience here.
There are still seven flood warnings in place in Wales, of which 20 have been issued. The Rivers Monnow, Towy, Wye and Dee were all affected. Flood warnings can be found here.
Natural Resources Wales' map of flood warnings within the country Picture: Natural Resources WalesShareOne severe flood warnings and 143 other flood warnings still in effect for England
In England, one more severe flood warning remains in place for Billing Aquadrome and a business park near the River Nene in Northampton. The Environment Agency says deep, fast-flowing water can be dangerous to life.
There are also 143 flood warnings in place in England when flooding is expected, and 180 flood warnings when flooding is possible.
You can find flood warnings for England here. Data has been updated in the last 10 minutes.
There are two flood warnings and three flood warnings in Scotland. This affects Easter Ross and Great Glen, Wester Ross and Strath Oykel and can be found here.
Chippenham was flooded after the River Avon burst its banks. Drone images show the town's center underwater. There are a significant number of road closures in Wiltshire.
Nick Smith, Labor MP for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney in south Wales, said he would raise in the Westminster Assembly a call for additional support for the Welsh Government to support those affected by the floods.
In a post on social media, he wrote:
I would like to thank the emergency services and council staff, as well as all residents who stepped up to help the local community, following the extensive damage caused by Storm Bert yesterday. We offer our condolences to all those affected.
I know some people have suffered serious damage and many will be concerned about the reported landslides. I spoke to many council members yesterday who have made changes to support residents and, as always, our community has come together to support each other.
I intend to raise this issue with Parliament to ask for support to help the Welsh Government deal with the impact the storm has had on our communities.
Chris Bryant, Labor MP for Rhondda and Ogmore, appeared on Sky News this morning and said some people affected by the floods were likely to lose everything.
He told viewers:
For many people, especially when finances are very tight, the last bill they pay will probably be their insurance bill. So there will be many people who have lost everything. It is hoped the Welsh Government will now step in with financial support.
He praised Pentre District Council, which suffered flood damage from Storm Dennis in February 2020. He said culverts there had been expanded by more than a meter since the incident, which he said may have helped the area avoid this flood. It's time from Storm Bert.
Bryant said Ronda has organized a fundraiser for local homes and businesses damaged by the flooding.
An investigation has been launched following reports that public communities had not been warned of flooding.
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) said it would investigate whether people were sufficiently warned in advance about Storm Butt and the flooding it could cause.
NRW North West Operations Director Sian Williams told BBC Radio 4s Today program on Monday:
That's absolutely something we need to look at as there are reports from several places yesterday morning that their people did not receive sufficient warning.
Is something wrong? Was the river level we were using as a trigger set in the wrong place? We don't know what that timeline is yet, but it's important to review it, look at it, and learn those lessons.
If we need to do it faster, we will definitely try to do it.
Updated on 04.58 EST
Jamie Grierson and Steven Morris report for the Guardian.
Forecasters and politicians have come under strong criticism after Storm Bert caused devastating flooding in hundreds of homes and businesses across the UK.
In south Wales, one of the hardest-hit areas, there have been complaints that the Met Office has only issued yellow warnings rather than yellow or red warnings, and there are growing calls for more investment in flood defenses.
National Resources Wales (NRW) said flooding was so severe in some areas as the storm blocked its passage, and the Welsh Government said it could not prevent all homes and businesses from being flooded by such a shocking storm.
Hundreds of homes were flooded, roads turned into rivers and winds of up to 82 mph were recorded across the country. Homes in Blaenau Gwent, parish of Cwmtillery, were evacuated due to landslides.
Below are pictures of passengers waiting in Paddington, London, where the Great Western Railway has canceled a significant number of services due to flooding in the west of England.
Passengers wait with their luggage after a train was canceled in Paddington. Photo: Minah Kim/ReutersShareDr Cymru issues 'boil water' notices in 10 regions of Wales
Dr Cymru has issued a boil water advisory for 10 areas in Wales after Tynywaun water treatment works in Treherber were damaged by flooding.
Water customers in Blaenrhondda, Blaencwm, Tynewydd, Treherbert, Treorchy, Cwm-parc, Pentre, Ton Pentre, Gelli and Tonypandy are affected.
In the notice, the water company says:
We ask that all customers boil water immediately before using it for drinking. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are working to normalize supplies as quickly as possible.
We have worked with key sites such as hospitals to deliver bottled water to customers in priority service registers and care homes.
We have a postcode checker to check if your supplies have been affected. Dr Cymru serves a total of approximately 1.4 million households.
Our community team would like to hear from you if you have been affected by Storm Bert. They also want to hear from people experiencing travel disruption. You can contact us here.
According to PA Media, National Highways said the A5 in Northamptonshire was closed in both directions between the A43 (Towcester) and the A422/A508 (Old Stratford) due to severe flooding in the area.
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