Climate activists sentenced to prison for degrading the US Constitution

Two climate activists who sprayed water on a display case containing the US Constitution in red at the National Archives in Washington, DC earlier this year have been sentenced to prison, ABC News reported earlier this month.
Donald Zepeda, of Maryland, was sentenced to two years in prison, while Jackson Green, of Utah, was sentenced to 18 months. Both will benefit from two years of supervised release.
Additionally, they would have to pay $58,607.59 to the National Archives for damaging the display case. Zepeda and Green pleaded guilty to one charge of destruction of government property.
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Although Constitution was not affected by the incident, the museum closed its doors to the public for four days and increased security measures.
“I sincerely believed that we were acting in a way that would not cause significant harm to others, but I now realize the ignorance and lack of consideration that belief represented. I also recognize that whatever my intentions, the harm I have caused is real and my responsibility,” Green said in a statement.
He added: “I realized that in addition to causing direct harm to individuals, destructive protest actions like the ones I carried out can lead to the opposite of our intentions by creating a negative response, hijacking people from climate activism and creating backlash. even more discord.
Zepeda defended his actions and blamed the government for its involvement in the fossil fuel industry, as well as its failure to adequately respond to the climate crisis.
“We need to feel that real sense of fear and emotion, lest we relegate this problem to future generations who are less capable of solving the problem,” Zepeda said.
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who presided over the case, called their actions “unserious, ineffective and completely unrelated to the climate emergency.”
“The message must be clear: eco-vandalism is not a good idea,” she continued. “It’s not ecological. It's just vandalism.
Zepeda has a longer history of climate-related protest. He filmed the painting of the crate containing Edgar Degas' Little Dancer at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, last spring.
Green, meanwhile, wrote “Honor Them” in red paint on the wall next to an African-American Civil War memorial at the National Gallery of Art late last fall. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and ordered to pay $706 in restitution to the NGA.
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