Fresh weather warning as cleanup continues

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The River Avon burst its banks at Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire.
More than 100 flood warnings are still in place across England and Wales following Storm Bert. That's because a fresh weather warning has been issued as more heavy rain is expected.
A serious “risk to life” warning has been issued for the River Nene in Northamptonshire after a caravan park was flooded for the third time this year.
Over the weekend, heavy rain and strong winds from Storm Bert killed at least five people and caused major disruption to homes, roads and rail networks.
The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for rain for the south-west, south and south-east of England from 22:00 GMT on Tuesday until noon on Wednesday.
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Flooding is expected in England, with 107 flood warnings in place, particularly in Northamptonshire, Worcestershire and south-west England. Five warnings have been issued in Wales, but no warnings have been issued in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Environment Secretary Steve Reid said the impact of further flooding would be “less severe”.
He told the Commons on Monday: Further flooding is likely over the next few days as water levels rise in slower-flowing rivers such as the Severn and Ouse.”
Clean-up work continues in several areas after Storm Bert caused flooding.
In Worcestershire, a man was arrested after a tractor was seen driving after deep flooding in Tenbury Wells caused damage to a shop.
National Rail said on Tuesday that “a number of routes” in south-west England and Wales would continue to be affected by disruption caused by Storm Bert.
It said debris had to be removed from the flood-damaged track between Swindon and Bristol Parkway.
Meanwhile, the closure of platforms at Newbury due to “ongoing damage” from the storm means Great Western Railway is reducing the number of trains passing through the station on Tuesday, Network Rail said.
Residents of Billing Aquadrome Holiday Park in Northamptonshire, where a major accident occurred, slept overnight in shelters on Monday.
Volunteers from humanitarian charity React helped evacuees by providing toothpaste and socks, while another charity cooked hot meals in the car park.
West Northamptonshire Council said it had helped 114 people, including 30 families with children.
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A caravan at Billing Aquadrome Holiday Park near Northampton was flooded.
Sam Craddock, who has lived in an on-site lodge for 15 years, told BBC Radio 4's Today program he heard sirens. We didn't expect it to be this bad.
“I think this will be the third or fourth time we’ve had to evacuate due to flooding this year.
“[It’s] “It’s really bad outside.”
One man said an alert was raised around 3.45am GMT on Monday and “everyone had to get out of the scene”.
“It’s just not good. It’s not good at all,” he said.
Sam Craddock said the flooding “had no idea it would be this bad”.
Showers continued overnight in parts of south-west England, the north coast of Northern Ireland, north-west England and coastal Scotland on Monday and Tuesday.
Some of these showers fall heavily and thunder over the hills.
However, on Tuesday evening and overnight, another area of low pressure will sweep in from the Atlantic, bringing wet and windy weather to England and Wales.
On its current path, the low pressure system will bring rain north-east across south-west England this evening, with possible thunderstorms across Wales, the Midlands, East Anglia, parts of northern England and south-east England.
The rain will be cold across northern Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland, with frost and light fog.
Rain is likely to turn to snow across north Wales and the Peak District as it clashes with cold air, while piercing winds are possible as it clears eastern England.
Up to 25mm of additional rain is expected to fall on already saturated land.
Yellow warning for rain-covered parts of south-west, south-west and south-east England.
The Met Office has faced criticism that it did not provide enough warning before the storm made landfall.
Simon Brown, the service's director, said on Monday: “The rainfall totals observed were broadly consistent with forecasts and previously issued severe weather warnings.”
But he said he was committed to “learning lessons… to support greater preparedness.”
Clean-up efforts are underway in Chippenham, Wiltshire, and shopkeepers are assessing damage.
Becky Lyons, who runs Pawesome Pet Shop, said she faced “carnage” after flooding hit her shop and destroyed some of her Christmas stock.
“It was heartbreaking at first, but then you knew you had to keep going,” she told BBC Breakfast.
“We are hoping to reopen today.”
She said there was a “great community” and customers had offered to help with the cleanup.
'Like a scene from Titanic' – Barbershop owner explains flooded shop
A landslide at a coal tip left Cwmtillery buildings in South Wales deep in sludge and mud.
Residents told how the slurry flowing down the road carried “trees and large rocks” as they had to evacuate their homes.
BBC correspondent Tomos Morgan said people who had been forced to leave their homes would not be able to return until roads were safe, which he understood could take several weeks.
Politicians and residents in south Wales have criticized the lack of preparation and warning for Storm Butte.
Rhondda Cynon Taf Residents of Pontypridd say they have not learned any lessons from Storm Dennis, which left much of the town underwater in 2020.
Deep mud covers streets after landslide in Cwmtillery, south Wales
Five men died as a result of the severe weather over the weekend.
North Wales Police have confirmed that the body of 75-year-old dog walker Brian Perry has been found after he went missing near the River Conwy in Trefriw on Sunday.
Mohammed Wahid, a 34-year-old man, died on Saturday after his car crashed into a wall in the snow in Shipley, West Yorkshire.
On Saturday, three other men died in car crashes. A man has died after his car crashed into a tree on the A34 in Winnell, Hampshire, and another man crashed on the A45 near Flore, Northamptonshire, during rush hour.
A third man, in his 80s, died while driving a Ford in Colne, Lancashire.
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