UK financial watchdog fines Macquarie Bank $13 million for fraudulent transactions

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Britain's financial watchdog has fined Macquarie Bank $13 million after one of its traders in London recorded more than 400 false transactions to hide losses.
The Financial Conduct Authority said: The virtual transactions were not detected early due to significant weaknesses in Macquarie Banks' systems and controls. The bank added that it had previously recognized some weaknesses.
Travis Klein, a trader on Macquarie's London metals and bulk trading desk, has been banned from the financial services industry after circumventing bank controls without detection for more than 20 months.
The watchdog said it would have fined Klein $72,000 had his application for serious financial hardship been unsuccessful.
Klein recorded numerous fake transactions over a 20-month period starting in June 2020 to conceal his losses. He was able to complete several key internal controls, including the daily profit and loss reporting process.
The FCA wrote that the same traders responsible for the fictitious trades could have submitted falsified broker quotes to assess the profitability of their positions.
Macquarie discovered Klein's strategy to hide losses in February 2022 and his trades were liquidated, resulting in losses of nearly $60 million.
According to the FCA, Australian banks were previously notified of certain issues relating to trading controls in 2020. It came up with a strategy called Project Papa to address some of the recommendations, but found that regulators had failed to implement them properly.
Klein started working as a trader in Macquarie's Sydney office in 2017 and moved to its London office a year later. He de-risked his books and devised a plan to hide his losses after being told not to take any more risks for two weeks. Internally, it is called the benching process.
The scheme came to light when Macquarie detected what appeared to be fraudulent trading activity during routine internal risk control reporting in February 2022.
Klein, who resigned the day after his trading activities were revealed, told the FCA he made the plan because he felt he could not be let down. [Commodity Markets and Finance] supervisor.
Regulators declined to release contact information for Kleins' attorneys.
The FCA said customers and counterparties were not affected by Kleins' activities and the virtual transactions had no direct impact on the market.
Macquarie said it had implemented a series of improvements to its controls following the incident.
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