Trump v Robertson Live Snooker: Results of Blockbuster British Championship Clash

Jude Trump defeats Neil Robertson in the first round of the British Championships (Nigel French/PA Wire)
Two of snooker's biggest names met in the first round of the British Championship when Judd Trump beat Neil Robertson 6-3 in a mouth-watering clash in York.
The pair have won 53 ranking titles during their trophy-laden careers so far, with Trump currently ranked number one in the world after winning an incredible seven tournaments in the past 15 months.
One minor blip on the 35-year-old Englishman's impressive resume is the fact that he has won just four Snooker Triple Crown events (World Championship, UK Championship and Masters) and is trying to win this tournament at the Barbican Centre. This is the second time after the success in 2011.
He trailed British champion Robertson 3-1 for three times but pulled level and won five frames on the spin to win 6-3 and set up a last-16 clash with John Higgins, who beat He Guoqiang 6-0 in the other match. Ready. table.
Relive all the action below via our live blog.
British Snooker Championship – Judd Trump v Neil Robertson Live updates on frames and matches! Jude Trump 6-3 Neil Robertson
It's over! There's a bit of a safety exchange, but ultimately Trump wins and the two shake hands.
Judd Trump advanced to the final with a 3-1 win for the fifth time in a row, beating Neil Robertson 6-3. John Higgins awaits world number one Trump as he seeks a potential second British Championship title after his 2011 success.
(Nigel French/PA Wire)
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 18:02
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
A bit of late drama where Trump accidentally pots red and black at the same time. He still leads by 56 points with just 51 points remaining, but Robertson will return to the table to secure the two needed snookers.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:57
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Trump is ahead by 62 points with only 59 points remaining. Neil Robertson needs snooker now. Another red goes down and that's pretty much it. Jude Trump is about to advance to the round of 16.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:55
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
The crowd cheers as Trump finds a cross-double to put a red in left-center. He's already 40 points ahead. Can we end here? I need a few more colored red ones.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:54
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Trump unexpectedly collapsed with a 41-1 lead. I missed my chance to become number one in the world. However, Robertson is unable to capitalize as he misses a long red from quite some distance.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:50
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Fair play, great pot from Robertson! Crunch in a powerful long pot in the right corner. It's been a while since he made one.
But the pink, tricky to follow, hints at another red and he misses it. I'll leave it short. Now Trump is back and the ball is in his favor.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:48
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Hmm, another long red that Robertson missed. That would support him to get it 8 out of 10 times. It gives Trump another chance. Can he finish this game?
A mid-range red to start with, this is a good bet. He moves forward by 30 points with two reds still open, but leaves a tough pink to his right mid-field… in fact he cuts it down and plays it safe on the black.
The break ends at 28 seconds and Robertson returns to the table.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:44
Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson now needs to win three frames on the spin. His long-range potting deserted him at the worst possible moment and he missed the red from a good distance all the way to the yellow pocket.
In response, Trump slammed a surprising long red into the left corner. He follows the long black to the right corner, but the white moves away from him. The break ends at 8 as another long red is missed.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:40
Frame Trump! Jude Trump 5-3 Neil Robertson
Robertson gets a white behind the blue, but sticks a red over the mid-pocket and immediately concedes the frame. Trump wins frame 8 and is on the verge of victory, 5-3.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:33
Jude Trump 4-3 Neil Robertson
Trump is now in complete and utter control. He shot 67 and Robertson needed two snookers. He plays and clears three of the remaining four reds before placing the snooker behind the black of the final red.
This is a tricky little situation for Trump to navigate. And he misses the color red. One of two snooker players Robertson needs. Now it's time to try to get something else.
Luke BakerNovember 26, 2024 17:31
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