The new Mauritian Prime Minister has reservations about an agreement with Britain.

Mauritius' new prime minister said he had doubts about the agreement his predecessor signed with the British government last month over the Chagos Islands.
Under the agreement, Britain will give up sovereignty over the strategically important archipelago and lease Diego Garcia, home to a joint British-American military base, for at least 99 years.
Prime Minister Nabichandra Ramgoolam, who was elected two weeks ago, did not explain the exact problems with the contract, but a cabinet minister said there were problems with the lease agreement.
It may also face opposition from the administration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.
Britain's Foreign Office said the deal was “in the common interests of both sides”.
A spokesman said this included “ensuring the long-term effective operation of the joint UK-US base at Diego Garcia”.
They added that the agreement has been welcomed by the United States and India and that the Foreign Office is looking forward to working with the new Mauritius government to finalize the agreement through a treaty.
Marco Rubio, Trump's pick for secretary of state, described the deal as a threat to American security.
When the deal was signed, after years of talks, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and then-Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth called it “a significant moment in our relationship and a sign of our continued commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes and governance.” “It’s a moment that shows dedication,” he said. of the law.”
British opposition leader Kemi Badenoch accused the government of not knowing “how to defend our national interests” in its handling of the negotiations.
Some organizations representing Chagossian interests also expressed anxiety, saying they were excluded from the negotiations.
Prime Minister Ramgoolam expressed doubts about the agreement after meeting British national security adviser Jonathan Powell on Monday.
“I told them I wanted more time to work out the details with a panel of legal advisors,” he said.
He also expressed surprise that the details had been finalized just over a month before the Mauritius general election.
Powell said negotiations would continue and the two sides agreed to meet again in Mauritius within two weeks to report on progress.
During the election campaign, Ramgoolam and his allies in the Change Coalition accused then-Prime Minister Jugnauth of “high treason”, describing the agreement as a “sellout” motivated by desperation ahead of the vote.
Newly appointed Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Fisheries Arvin Boolell elaborated more specifically on the objections in his comments on Monday.
He criticized the former prime minister for granting Britain a long-term lease on Diego Garcia. The initial period of disclosure was 99 years, but he said it was 200 years.
“In other words, the tenant became the owner of Diego Garcia for 200 years,” Boolell told one newspaper.
In recent years, Britain has become increasingly diplomatically isolated due to its territorial claims over an area called the British Indian Ocean Territory. This is because various UN bodies, including the Supreme Court and the General Assembly, are overwhelmingly on the side of Mauritius and demanding Britain's surrender. Some called it “Africa’s last colony.”
The Mauritian government has long maintained that it illegally received the Chagos Islands in return for independence from Britain in 1968.
At that time, the British government had already signed a secret deal with the United States, agreeing to lease the largest atoll, Diego Garcia, as a military base.
Britain later apologized for the forcible removal of more than 1,000 islanders from the entire archipelago and promised to hand the islands over to Mauritius once they were no longer needed for strategic purposes.
Until very recently, Britain maintained that Mauritius itself had no legal claim to the island.
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