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UK Championship 2024: Mark Allen changes his style to defeat Wu Yize and sets up a semi-final with Jack Lisowski.

UK Championship 2024: Mark Allen changes his style to defeat Wu Yize and sets up a semi-final with Jack Lisowski.


Mark Allen displayed outstanding form to hold off a fierce challenge from Wu Yize to win 6-4 and advance to the quarter-finals of the UK Championship.

In a high-quality late-night thriller at the Barbican, The Pistol edged past vibrant young talent to set up a last-four meeting with Jack Lisowski, who beat Ali Carter 6-4.

The former world number one lost four successive frames with two centuries helping turn the tide in his favour.

Allen got off to a blistering start with a dominant performance in the opener, even though he needed three visits to get the job done. The Northern Irishman, who is accurate with his long-range potting and also adept at playing safety, sent an early warning to his 21-year-old opponent.

A delightful long pot on the opening red got Allen back on 82 in the second frame, with Wu sitting on his chair and facing Wu's left stern.

It hasn't been a particularly memorable season for Allen so far, but the world number three was in mood for fun in York and was soon ahead 50-0 in frame three, but had the misfortune of potting the cue ball after a throw. Stray red.

OSullivan: Wu could be world champion this year or next. Why not?

Video source: Eurosport

This proved to be the turning point in the match as Wu shook off the rust and dominated the opening, demonstrating his break-building skills to halve the deficit with a clinical clearance.

The Chinese player was determined to make a statement of his own and completed a stunning mini-session with a quick 117 to make it 2-2 level.

In stark contrast to the previous one, the fifth frame turned into a scrappy, attritional battle that lasted longer than the previous four frames combined.

Allen's experience seemed to pay off as Wu came back within touching distance after establishing a solid lead. However, the young Chinese player displayed incredible patience and tactical sense to outsmart his opponent and win three consecutive frames, inflicting a significant psychological blow.

That was class! Allen makes no mistake with his long red pressure pot.

Video source: Eurosport

Wu started frame six with a superb long red, but once again his exquisite safety play came to the fore and he looked to be on his way to victory, allowing him to pull off another outstanding break of 73.

To stem the rot, Allen mustered his courage and downed a long red at the start of the eighth frame to open up the opportunity to win the frame and finish at 110, his highest of the tournament so far. Move back within touching distance of Wu.

Frame 9 presented Wu with an early opportunity after Allen hit the middle pocket with the cue ball. But with a lot of red loose, Wu uncharacteristically missed an opportunity to seal a crucial frame and failed to put in a simple black.

Allen's excellent cue ball control allowed him to make a devastating break of 73 to tie the score at 4-4.

A few people woke up! Allen whips up some wicked late-night pot to liven up the Barbican.

Video source: Eurosport

The screws were turning, and as the clock got closer to midnight, Allen's confidence clearly increased. A sublime barrage of long reds electrified the Barbican and when Wu fired poorly, Allen pounced to make his second century of the night and control proceedings.

Allen saved 'the scene of the match', as commentator Alan McManus put it, when he fired a fine red arrow into the corner pocket in the final frame and victory was suddenly within his grasp.

Despite narrowly missing the match's third ton, Allen comfortably secured four consecutive frames to secure a memorable victory.

The lethal Lisowski brings up his 22nd century of the season with a win over Carter.

Video source: Eurosport

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