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Thanksgiving dawns? Solar storm expected to hit Earth Thursday and Friday, NOAA warns

Thanksgiving dawns? Solar storm expected to hit Earth Thursday and Friday, NOAA warns


Get ready to look up on Thanksgiving evening. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), millions of people in the United States and Canada could have the chance to see the northern lights on Thursday (Nov. 28) and Friday (Nov. 29) as a solar storm heads toward towards Earth. .

According to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, a huge concentration of solar particles called a coronal mass ejection (CME) was launched from an active sunspot on Monday, November 25, and has a high chance of hitting Earth on Thursday. or Friday, triggering a minor phenomenon. to moderate the geomagnetic storm.

If the CME hits our planet's magnetic field, as NOAA predicts, the charged particles will travel toward the planet's magnetic poles, energizing atmospheric molecules along the way and forcing them to emit energy in the form of colorful light, also known as aurora. According to NOAA, auroras could be visible in every state along the Canada-U.S. border, from Maine to Washington, and perhaps even further south. The agency shared this predicted aurora visibility map along with a geomagnetic storm warning.

Geomagnetic storms are disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, or magnetosphere, triggered by powerful infusions of solar energy. In addition to causing auroras to appear at much lower latitudes than usual, these storms can also cause power grid disruptions, GPS problems, satellite malfunctions, and high-frequency radio outages. Fortunately, NOAA predicts that the impending storm will be of strength G1 or G2 – the lowest levels on the five-tier scale used to measure the intensity of geomagnetic storms. No preparation or precautions are necessary.

Related: Aurora's business is just getting started. Here's why the most beautiful Northern Lights are yet to come.

(Image credit: NOAA)

Black Friday 2024

(Image credit: Levoit, Oral-B, Garmin, Aviron, Yosuda, Jabra, Celestron, Canon, KKUP2U)

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It's also possible that the CME could miss Earth entirely, NOAA noted, which would result in no geomagnetic storms or aurora this week. Researchers won't know for sure until the CME gets much closer to Earth on Thursday.

In general, the best way to view the Northern Lights is to get as far away from artificial light pollution as possible and simply look up. Auroras are visible to the naked eye, but can appear even sharper and more colorful with a smartphone camera. No telescope or binoculars are needed to enjoy the Northern Lights. However, Black Friday may be the best day of the year to purchase plenty of sky-gazing equipment if you want to observe planets, comets, galaxies, or the full moon. close.

Auroras, CMEs and general solar weather occur most often at the peak of the sun's 11-year activity cycle, called solar maximum. NASA and NOAA jointly announced the start of the current cycle's solar maximum on October 15, noting that solar activity is expected to remain high for at least another year. That means a much higher chance of seeing the aurora through 2025, even if the Thanksgiving lights don't show up.




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