Four states could secede from the United States and join Canada to avoid TrumpDemocrat

A prominent New York state Democratic senator has floated the fanciful proposal that her state and its northeastern neighbors would secede from the United States and join Canada to avoid President-elect Donald Trump's return to power .
Liz Krueger, who chairs the New York State Senate Finance Committee, argued that the Empire State, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont could all suffer under the new Trump administration.
Citing his proposed immigration crackdown and promise of mass deportations, the Manhattan Democrat says liberal and sanctuary states such as New York could be threatened with reductions in the amount of federal funding they receive, a measure that the new leader and his cabinet have suggested, if states oppose new policy measures.
This is not the first time the New York Democrat has proposed a radical and improbable plan to counter Trump's policies, suggesting in September, before his election victory, that the bloc of blue states should join Canada.
“I thought I would suggest to Canada that instead of everyone trying to cross the border illegally at night without them noticing, which is quite difficult because there are so many of us, that they instead agree to let us to be the Southeast Province, a new province of Canada.
“And I proposed, although I had not yet obtained the agreement of the other states, that I thought that New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont would combine and form a new large province as a province from southeastern Canada,” Krueger said in a statement. interview with the City and State New York news site.
Newsweek has contacted Krueger for comment via email.
New York State Senator Liz Kreuger speaks on the steps of New York City Hall. She floated the unlikely proposal that New York and other states would leave the United States and join Canada. New York State Senator Liz Kreuger speaks on the steps of New York City Hall. She floated the unlikely proposal that New York and other states would leave the United States and join Canada. Andy Katz/Pacific Press/Sipa USA via AP
New York sends about $362 billion in tax revenue to the federal government each year, but receives about $85 billion in federal funding, much of which is earmarked for Medicaid spending, according to Politico.
To offset a possible holdup in federal funding to the state, Krueger suggested a solution.
“We’re talking about a lot of money,” Krueger told Politico. “We're talking about money that we couldn't replace unless we started sending a lot less money to the federal government.”
Following Trump's 2024 presidential victory, there has been a surge of interest among Americans looking to move abroad, with many considering Canada as a potential destination.
Searches for “moving to Canada” peaked on Google Trends on the evening of Tuesday, November 5 and the following day. The search engine detected the highest search volumes for terms like “how to legally move to Canada,” “moving to Canada from the United States,” and “requirements for moving to Canada” from traditionally progressive states , including Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire and Vermont. .
“Essentially everyone in these states are progressive Democrats. We would fit pretty well with the political philosophy of at least most Canadian elected officials,” Krueger said in the City and State interview from New York.
However, with questions about the implications of withholding federal taxes and a Republican majority in Congress, Krueger's proposal is highly unlikely to come to fruition and has sparked concern among fellow Democrats.
“It’s not our job to pick up the pitchforks that have been dropped by his many supporters,” Long Island Assemblymember Chuck Lavine said in a recent interview with Politico’s New York Playbook.
While Vice President Kamala Harris received the majority of votes needed to win the Empire State, Trump received 44% of the vote, according to the Associated Press, with New York on the verge of turning red for nearly four decades , according to reports from the New York Times. York Post.
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