Big Brothers Tucker and Rubina Share Relationship Update

Paul Archuleta/Getty Images
Big Brother's Tucker Des Lauriers and Rubina Bernabe are happy to confirm that their showmance has completely transformed into romance.
“It's official,” Rubina exclusively told Us Weekly at the 11th Annual Reality TV Awards on November 18. “We are better than ever.”
Tucker added: “It's alive and real, baby.”
After building a strong bond in the Big Brother house last summer, Tucker and Rubina have been open about their hopes of growing their friendship once the show ends. After the season finale aired on Oct. 14, former contestants quickly realized the spark was still there.
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It's hard to win Big Brother without some sort of alliance, but it's even harder if you're one half of a showmance. However, that doesn't stop the contestants, again and again, from teaming up when they're at home. THANKS! You have successfully subscribed. Subscribe to newsletters Please enter a valid email. Subscribe […]
“We actually love each other even more now,” Rubina shared with Us while wearing House of CB to the awards show in Hollywood. Tucker – who dated John Varvatos – added: “Being able to see her and her friends and meeting her family and everything else, it makes me love her even more. »
Although both men are long distance — Rubina is in Los Angeles while Tucker is closer to Brooklyn, New York — both parties go back and forth to make sure they don't spend too much time apart.
They also remember the moment they realized they might be more than just contestants fighting for a cash prize.
“For me, I knew it when we were sitting on stage before we even walked into the house,” Tucker said. “I was being told to be quiet, and I couldn't stay quiet, but she started laughing and being cute. You sat in front of me and laughed when I was annoying. And I was like, “Yeah, she’s going to be really fun.” I'll probably be best friends with her.'
Courtesy of Tucker Deslauriers/Instagram
Rubina added: “On the other end, I was thinking, 'Oh my God, is he going to drive me crazy all season?' But I knew. Literally after the first week, I was like, “Oh no, I’m in trouble.” “I'm in trouble because he had so many amazing qualities, just the best man I knew.
As they continue to develop their relationship, Tucker and Rubina are open to doing more reality TV in the future.
Tucker, who won America's Favorite Gamer for Season 26, is all set to compete on The Challenge and is also reportedly “ready” to play The Amazing Race with Rubina.
Meanwhile, the couple expresses gratitude that a reality show brought them together and helped launch an unconventional love story.
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Increase the heat. With contestants isolated from the outside world and filmed 24/7, the Big Brother house is a recipe for explosive behavior. THANKS! You have successfully subscribed. Subscribe to newsletters Please enter a valid email. Subscribe By subscribing, I accept the terms and privacy policy and receive emails from […]
“I don't know how else I would have met him, but I feel like it was totally meant to be,” Rubina exclaimed. “If there’s anything that stands out from the series, it’s our meeting. I feel like we're winning. We totally win.
Tucker added: “I'm grateful to be able to share such a crazy experience with her and now to start sharing the experiences we wanted. We are the real winners. Sorry Chelsie [Baham].”
You can watch the 11th Annual American Reality Television Awards on Roku Channel, Pluto TV and Xumo starting Friday, November 29.
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