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Ellen DeGeneres' UK home flooded after leaving US following Donald Trump's election: Report

Ellen DeGeneres' UK home flooded after leaving US following Donald Trump's election: Report


Ellen DeGeneres' new home abroad is reportedly underwater.

The former 'Ellen DeGeneres Show' host's mansion in the Cotswolds, England, has reportedly been damaged by flooding.

“Flood waters are rising by the hour. “This is the worst I’ve seen in years.” A local resident told the Daily Mail on Saturday.

According to the outlet, the 43-acre estate DeGeneres, 66, shares with wife Portia De Rossi is surrounded by a swampy lake after days of heavy rain and winds of up to 80 mph.

Ellen DeGeneres' home in England has reportedly been flooded. FOX Image Collection via Getty Images The comedian has reportedly moved into a mansion in England's Cotswolds following the 2024 election. DeGeneres' 43-acre estate is surrounded by swamp-like precipitation, according to the Daily Mail. Jeffrey Swain/Shutterstock

Page Six reached out to the comedian's rep for comment but did not immediately hear back. Neither she nor De Rossi, 51, posted about the severe weather on social media.

DeGeneres reportedly moved abroad because she wanted to “get the hell out of” the United States after Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election.

A source previously told TMZ that the comic and her wife were so disillusioned with the results that they settled in a house in the UK, which they reportedly bought before the election.

Page Six was unable to find any recent statements made by DeGeneres about why she wants to leave the United States.

The Cotswolds are said to have been hit by heavy rain and winds of up to 80mph for several days. “Flood waters are rising by the hour. This is the worst I have seen in years,” one local resident told the Daily Mail. DeGeneres and her wife, Portia De Rossi, have yet to comment on the flooding. Getty Images for RH

However, the “Ellen” alum was a vocal supporter of Kamala Harris until Election Day.

“There is nothing more powerful than a woman whose time has come!! I can’t wait for @KamalaHarris to be our next president,” she wrote via Instagram last August.

DeGeneres and De Rossi lived primarily in California, where they once experienced severe flooding before leaving the country.

But the former talk show host has been somewhat shunned by Hollywood since her toxic workplace scandal in 2020.

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DeGeneres and De Rossi reportedly wanted to “get the hell out” of America after Donald Trump won the election. Bloomberg via Getty Images The former “Ellen DeGeneres Show” host was recently spotted lounging with her brunette wife in a pub in England. Instagram / @thefarmersdogpub

Last September, she joked about being kicked out of the entertainment industry in a new Netflix special, which ended up being panned by critics.

Since moving to the UK, DeGeneres appears to be looking for a more simple lifestyle.

Earlier this month, she was spotted sporting her new brunette look in a pub in England.




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