US Open Psych Sheets Drop: small meeting, big opportunities

US Open 2024
As this is the first short course US Open in recent history and as it is the first edition after the Summer Olympics and a week before the World Aquatic Swimming Championships (25m), the expected participants for the 2024 US Open are anyone's guess. But I hope the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States hasn't saturated our appetite too much because the psychology papers have fallen, and after the fast swim at the college invitationals, I'm ready for the second round of fast swimming in small pool,
US Open 2024 Psych Sheets (Pre-Scratch)
With a small but notable contingent of the U.S. national team traveling to Budapest to race short course during the second week of December, Regan Smith, Kate Douglass and Michael Andrew will not be able to defend their victories at the 2023 U.S. Open. In their place will be a strong crop of college swimmers looking to parlay their success here into a strong showing in the NCAAs.
Chloe Stepanek, who returned for her fifth year at Texas A&M, finds herself top seed in the 50 (22.06), 100 (47.70) and 200 (1:42.41) free yards. Stepanek placed 15th and 16th respectively in the 100 and 200 freestyle at the Olympic Trials, where she also placed 32nd in the 50 freestyle and 34th in the 100 butterfly, the latter in a new best time. Stepanek is also entered in the 500 freestyle, 200 backstroke and 100 butterfly.
In the 500 freestyle, Stepanek is behind SwimSwam's No. 10 ranked swimmer in the 2025 class, Kennedi Dobson. A Georgia commit, Dobson won gold at the Junior Pan-Pacs last summer in the 400 freestyle and enters the U.S. Open as the top seed in the 500 freestyle (4:37.33) and the 200 back (1:53.88). Dobson is entered in ten individual events and will likely make it, but at the Junior Pan Pacific Championships she swam six individual races.
Dobson and Stepanek may be at the top of the psychological sheet in the 200 backstroke, but most eyes will be on Rhyan White. The Wolfpack Elite swimmer is entered in five individual events and is seeded first in the 100 back (51.93) and 100 fly (51.47). She will also tackle the 200 IM, 200 fly and 200 backstroke. White, who finished 6th at the Olympic Trials in the 200 backstroke, finds himself seeded 23rd in this event (entered with an LCM time), because like many of his fellow post-college swimmers, White spent all of last year racing in meters. and only recently returned to the Yards pool this month.
UNC appears to be sending a few swimmers to make the hour drive to Greensboro, led by Olympic Trials semifinalist Skyler Smith. Smith leads the pack in the 100 breaststroke (58.65) and 200 breaststroke (2:10.84). UNC isn't the only college program sending teams as Loyola (Maryland), Purdue, Florida Atlantic and Queens populate the relay entries.
Queens, which won NCAA D IIs from 2015-19 and now competes at the DI level in the Atlantic Sun Conference, like UNC, finds itself with swimmers at the top of the psychological sheet. Slovak Olympian Matej Dusa, a graduate student, is the top seed in the men's 50 freestyle (19.13).
Most of the top seeds on the men's side are occupied by varsity swimmers. Purdue's Brady Samuels (42.40) will look to hold off UNC's Patrick Hussey (42.72) in the 100 freestyle, while Penn State's Mariano Lazzerini is the top seed in the two breaststrokes (51.08 and 1:00). 52.94).
SwimAtlanta's Bradley Dunham looks to retain college swimmers. The former Georgia Bulldog is the top seed in the backstroke as well as the 200 and 500 freestyle. Dunham, who placed 18th in the 200 backstroke at the Olympic trials. He is coming off his best performance at the NCAAs, where as a 5th grader, Dunham set the school record in the 200 backstroke (1:37.58) en route to finishing 6th in 1:38.43.
West Virginia fifth-year Danny Berlitz found himself at the top of the field in both individual medleys (1:43.94 and 3:43.02) and was also found in the 200 breaststroke and 200 backstroke. Berlitz is coming off a solid performance at the Olympic Trials. The Mountaineer swam a personal best time of 4:15.98 to qualify for the 400 IM final, where he would ultimately finish 8th.
Like White in the 200 backstroke, Drew Kibler, swimming for the New York Athletic Club, is entered only with long course times, belying the depth of the free sprints. Kibler is the 53rd seed in the 50 free, entered with a long course of 22.34. The same goes for the 100, 200 and 500 m freestyles, where his registrations in the long course place him much further down the entry lists. Breno Correia, who represented Brazil at the Paris Games, is also listed in meters, as is Hvoje Tomic, who would have been a freshman at Notre Dame this year. Tomic is a Croatian national who was a semi-finalist at the World Juniors in 2023.
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