Spain Entry Requirements: British tourists will be required to provide a variety of additional personal information.

Are you thinking about taking a vacation to Spain anytime soon? Be prepared to share more of your personal information with state authorities.
From December 2, British travelers heading to Spain will be required by law to provide 31 new pieces of information to hotels and accommodation. This is what the Spanish government is calling an effort to crack down on organized crime.
A spokesperson for the Secretara de Estado de Seguridad (Secretariat of National Security) told The Independent: The greatest attacks on public safety are carried out by terrorist activities and organized crime, both of which are market transnational in nature.
They said authorities want to monitor who is staying where because foreigners are involved in terrorist threats and other very serious crimes committed by criminal gangs.
But not everyone is happy with the new rules. CEHAT, Spain's main hotel association, has criticized the requirements, with the organization's secretary general, Ramn Estalella, previously likening them to big brother.
Spain is already the only country in the EU that requires hotels to send guest ID information to the police, while other countries only have to keep that data for a certain period of time, Estalella told the Telegraph. Not only could this violate basic privacy rights, it also risks complicating and disrupting the experience of the millions of visitors who have chosen Spain as a travel destination.
The rules follow a set of requirements for Britons entering the UK, including being asked to prove they have enough money to last the length of their stay, introduced in 2022.
Spanish border control officers may ask for proof that tourists can access 100 (83) per day and spend a total of at least 900 (766.94) during their stay. UK tourists must also have proof of a return or connecting travel ticket.
What personal information do I need to provide?
If you are 14 years of age or older, starting December 2, you will be required to provide the following personal information:
Name Nationality Gender Passport Number Date of Birth Home Address Landline Telephone Number (if applicable) Mobile Phone Number Email Address
Will I have to pay a fine if I don't provide this information?
Currently, this is not the case. While fines do not apply to individual travelers, hotel organizations that do not comply with information collection are subject to fines of up to $25,000.
Do you need to prove how much you can spend per day?
You may be asked to prove you have sufficient funds under regulations introduced in 2022, but what counts as evidence that you have sufficient funds?
Certified checks (personal checks certified by a bank as personal funds)Traveler's checks (paper checks sometimes used by people traveling to other countries)Payment lettersCredit cards (must be submitted with bank statement or updated bankbook)
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