Charles Kushner appointed by Trump as ambassador to France

President-elect Trump has nominated Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner's father, to serve as U.S. Ambassador to France in his new administration.
“I am pleased to nominate Charles Kushner of New Jersey as United States Ambassador to France,” Trump wrote Saturday in a Truth Social article. “He is a formidable business leader, philanthropist and negotiator, who will be a strong advocate for our country and its interests.”
In 2020, Kushner was pardoned by Trump 15 years after he was convicted of falsifying tax returns, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign contributions.
Kushner, the founder of the Kushner Companies, served a two-year sentence for his conviction. The witness tampering charge stems from an incident in which he paid a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law in a videotaped encounter. Kushner then sent the images to the man's wife, Kushner's sister, in order to prevent her from testifying before a grand jury.
Trump has nominated Charles Kushner, father of Jared Kushner, to serve in his new administration. (Getty Images)
Kushner was prosecuted by then-U.S. Attorney General Chris Christie in 2005. Christie later called the case “one of the most repugnant and disgusting crimes I prosecuted while I was a prosecutor American”, during an interview on PBS in 2019.
Trump touted Kushner's accomplishments in his Saturday statement, calling Kushner Companies “one of the nation's largest and most successful private real estate companies.”
“He was recognized as New Jersey Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young, appointed to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, and served as commissioner and chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, as well as serving on the boards of our major institutions, including NYU,” Trump said.
Charles Kushner, founder and former chairman of Kushner Cos., left, arrives at Ivana Trump's funeral in New York, July 20, 2022. (Getty Images)
“His son, Jared, worked closely with me at the White House, including on Operation Warp Speed, criminal justice reform and the Abraham Accords,” his statement concluded. “Together, we will strengthen the partnership of the Americas with France, our oldest ally and one of our greatest! »
In 2018, Jared Kushner worked to get Congress to pass the First Step Act, focused on federal prison reform. Kushner became passionate about this issue after witnessing how his father was treated in prison.
Jared Kushner, left, Charles Kushner and Joseph Meyer attend the New York Observer's New Look event in New York on April 1, 2014. (Getty Images)
“President Trump promised to fight for the forgotten men and women of this country, including those in prison,” Jared Kushner wrote in the Wall Street Journal at the time.
Ronn Blitzer of Fox News Digital contributed to this report.
Andrea Margolis is a staff writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business. Readers can send story tips to [email protected].
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