China promises 'countermeasures' to US arms sale to Taiwan

China's Foreign Ministry lashed out at the United States and Taiwan on Sunday after the U.S. State Department approved a $385 million arms sale to the island.
Chinese officials also criticized the United States for allowing Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te to visit Hawaii and Guam, a U.S. territory. China considers Taiwan its sovereign territory and regularly opposes any validation of the island's democratically elected government.
The arms deal approved late last week includes Taiwan's purchase of spare parts for F-16 fighter jets, as well as components for radars, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. dollars.
Chinese officials said the deal sent a “wrong signal” about relations in the Indo-Pacific region. A separate statement said China “strongly condemns” Lai's trip to the United States.
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Taiwan President Lai Ching-te to visit Hawaii and Guam after arms deal with US approved (Walid Berrazeg/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
The United States has repeatedly demonstrated its support for Taiwan through military agreements, operations, and diplomatic interactions with Taiwanese officials.
In recent years, there has been a cadence of U.S. officials, such as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, meeting with Taiwanese officials, but Beijing has responded with saber rattling.
Pelosi made a rare trip to the island in 2021, and China responded by holding live-fire military exercises around Taiwan. These exercises took place again in 2023, when then-Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met with former President Kevin McCarthy in California.
Chinese President Xi Jinping's regime regularly criticizes the United States for its friendly ties with Taiwan. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque//File photo)
President-elect Trump has indicated that his administration will continue the strong relationship between America and Taiwan. Trump's nominees for ambassador to the United Nations, national security adviser and, most importantly, secretary of state are considered by many to be “China hawks.”
Trump last month nominated Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, as secretary of state. Rubio has been a leading voice in the Senate for cracking down on China and imposing sanctions.
Trump nominated Senator Marco Rubio to head the State Department. (Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Rubio said he would work with Trump to “continue to support Taiwan.” He is also allied with Trump in insisting that Taiwan increase its defense spending, a view shared by security experts but not necessarily by the majority of Taiwanese.
Reuters contributed to this report.
Anders Hagstrom is a Fox News Digital reporter covering national politics and major news events. Send tips to [email protected] or on Twitter: @Hagstrom_Anders.
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