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Ellen DeGeneress' British home suffered flooding just weeks after she moved to the country following Donald Trump's victory.

Ellen DeGeneress' British home suffered flooding just weeks after she moved to the country following Donald Trump's victory.


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Ellen DeGeneress' new home in England flooded.

The former talk show host and his wife Portia de Rossi recently bought a home in the Cotswolds, about a two-hour drive from London. She moved to the UK after Donald Trump won the US presidential election.

The flooding was caused by Storm Bert in England, which brought heavy rain for several days and wind speeds of up to 80mph. During the storm, the Thames River broke its banks right next to DeGeneress and de Rossi's 43-acre property.

Flood waters are rising by the hour. This is the worst I've seen in years, a local resident told The Mail of the storm's aftermath.

The couple's move was first confirmed by People when a source said they had been looking for a house since October. Ellen was house hunting in England in early October, the source said. She found a house she liked and bought it soon after.

The move across the pond was rumored to be about President-elect Trump winning a second term, with a source telling TMZ at the time that DeGeneres and de Rossi were very disillusioned with the election results.

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The former talk show host and his wife Portia de Rossi recently purchased a home in the Cotswolds, about a two-hour drive from London (Getty Images)

DeGeneres did not make any comments about leaving the country if Trump is elected president. She expressed her support for Vice President Kamala Harris during the campaign and reportedly even donated $3,300 to her campaign fund.

The Finding Dory star also posted about her support for Harris on Instagram. In the post, she posted a photo of the vice president and the caption, “No one is more powerful than a woman whose time has come!!” I look forward to seeing @KamalaHarris as our next president.

The comedian seemed to have decided to celebrate his move to a new country with a new hairstyle. In an Instagram Reel shared by Jeremy Clarkson's pub The Farmers Dog and singer Natalie Imbruglia on November 13, DeGeneres was seen enjoying an intimate live music session with her wife and friends.

The clip shows Imbruglia panning to DeGeneres before singing along with the crowd. DeGeneres shows off her amazing transformation and waves at the camera. Her famous platinum blonde hair is gone. In its place is a shorter, darker hairstyle.

Many people have talked about comedians moving to new countries. British broadcaster Piers Morgan mocked the news, writing to X: OMG… no!

Elon Musk weighed in on the move after DeGeneres shared a post saying she left the country after the election due to her past relationship with Sean Diddy Combs.

Happy Birthday, P Diddy, Puff Daddy, Sean Combs, or whatever I call him, Cuddle McSnugglestuff read in one of DeGeneress' 2016 posts. You don't need to know why. @iamdiddy.

One person then shared a screenshot of his post and said: I understand why she left the country after the election. Musk then shared it again, adding a raised eyebrow emoji.




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