Latest US Strike on Chinese Chips Hits Semiconductor Toolmakers
(Reuters) – The United States will launch its third crackdown in three years on China's semiconductor industry on Monday, limiting exports to 140 companies including chip equipment maker Naura Technology Group (002371.SZ ), among other measures, two people familiar with the matter said. .
Efforts to hamper Beijing's chipmaking ambitions will also hit Chinese chip tool makers Piotech (688072.SS) and SiCarrier Technology with new export restrictions under the package, which aims also shipments of advanced memory chips and more chip manufacturing tools to China.
The move is one of the latest large-scale efforts by the Biden administration to hamper China's ability to access and produce chips that can help advance artificial intelligence for military applications, or threaten security national of the United States.
It comes just weeks before the inauguration of former Republican President Donald Trump, who is expected to maintain many of Biden's tough measures toward China.
The package includes restrictions on shipments to China of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, essential for high-end applications such as AI training; new restrictions on 24 additional chipmaking tools and three software tools; and new export restrictions on chipmaking equipment made in countries like Singapore and Malaysia.
Tool controls will likely hurt Lam Research (LRCX), KLA (KLAC), and Applied Materials (AMAT), as well as non-U.S. companies like Dutch equipment maker ASM International (ASML, ASM.AS).
Among the Chinese companies facing new restrictions are nearly two dozen semiconductor firms, two investment firms and more than 100 makers of chipmaking tools, the sources said.
U.S. lawmakers say some companies, including Swaysure Technology Co, Qingdao SiEn and Shenzhen Pensun Technology Co, are working with China's Huawei Technologies, the telecommunications equipment leader once hobbled by U.S. sanctions and now the focus of production and development of advanced chips in China.
They will be added to the Entity List, which prohibits U.S. suppliers from shipping products to them without first receiving a special license.
Asked about the U.S. restrictions, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said such behavior undermines the international economic and trade order and disrupts global supply chains.
China will take measures to safeguard the rights and interests of its enterprises, he added at a regular press briefing on Monday.
China's Commerce Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
China has stepped up efforts to become self-sufficient in the semiconductor sector in recent years, as the United States and other countries have restricted exports of advanced chips and the tools to make them. However, it remains years behind chip industry leaders like Nvidia (NVDA) in AI chips and chip equipment maker ASML in the Netherlands.
The story continues
The United States is also set to impose additional restrictions on Semiconductor Manufacturing International (0981.HK), China's largest contract chipmaker, which was placed on the Entity List in 2020, but with a policy that authorized billions of dollars in licenses to ship goods to it must be granted.
For the first time, the United States will add two companies that invest in chips to the entity list. Chinese private equity firm Wise Road Capital and technology firm Wingtech Technology Co will be added.
Companies seeking licenses to ship to companies on the Entity List are usually denied.
One aspect of the new package that addresses the direct foreign goods rule could hurt some U.S. allies by limiting what their companies can ship to China.
The new rule will expand U.S. powers to restrict exports of chipmaking equipment by U.S., Japanese and Dutch manufacturers made in other parts of the world to certain chip factories in China.
Equipment manufactured in Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan is subject to this rule, while Japan and the Netherlands will be exempt.
The expanded foreign direct product rule will apply to 16 companies on the list of entities considered most important to China's more advanced chipmaking ambitions.
The rule will also reduce to zero the amount of U.S. content that determines when certain foreign products are subject to U.S. control. This will allow the United States to regulate any item shipped to China from abroad if it contains American chips.
The new rules are being released after lengthy discussions with Japan and the Netherlands, which, along with the United States, dominate the production of advanced chipmaking equipment.
The United States is considering exempting countries that adopt similar controls, the sources said.
Another rule in the package restricts memory used in AI chips that fit so-called “HBM 2” and later, a technology made by South Korean companies Samsung and SK Hynix and U.S. company Micron .
Industry sources expect only Samsung Electronics (SSNLF, 005930.KS) to be affected. Analysts estimate that Samsung makes about 30% of its HBM chip sales in China.
The latest rules constitute the third major set of chip-related export restrictions to China enacted under the Biden administration.
In October 2022, the United States released a broad set of controls on the sale and manufacturing of certain high-end chips, seen as the biggest change in its technology policy toward China since the 1990s.
(Reporting by Karen Freifeld and David Shepardson; additional reporting by Brenda Goh and Antoni Slodkowski; editing by Sonali Paul and Clarence Fernandez)
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