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EDF keeps four UK nuclear power plants operating longer than planned

EDF keeps four UK nuclear power plants operating longer than planned


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French state-owned energy giant EDF will keep four of Britain's aging nuclear power plants operating longer than planned to strengthen the country's energy security.

The company said the two stations, Hartlepool and Heysham 1, which are currently due to close in March 2026, will remain online until March 2027, while Heysham 2 and Torness stations, which are due to close in March 2028, will operate until March 2030.

The plants, which have three in northern England and one in southern Scotland, were built in the 1980s and were originally scheduled to close in 2023, but their working lives have already been extended once.

The latest expansion will help EDF make up for delays at the Hinkley Point C power station it is building in Somerset. Currently, production is scheduled to begin in 2029, four years later than originally planned.

Governments must find ways to meet the growing demand for low-carbon electricity as part of their efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Prime Minister Keir Starmer's government aims to decarbonise the UK's electricity system by 2030.

In a report last month on how this target could be met, the government-owned National Energy System Operator (NESO) said it assumed at least one in four nuclear power plants would still be available in 2030.

The new schedule calls for all four power plants to close by March 2030, but EDF's goal is to keep power generation running for longer, subject to plant inspections and regulatory oversight.

The company added that the new date represented its best estimate of how long the station would remain open, but warned there was a risk it could close sooner. The move was announced after a board meeting held in Paris on Tuesday.

EDF managing director of nuclear operations Mark Hartley said the company had invested around $8 billion in the UK's nuclear fleet since 2009 and planned to invest a further $1.3 billion between 2025 and 2027.

The four advanced gas-cooled reactors are one of five nuclear power plants still operating in the UK after several closures over the past few years due to age.

The fifth, pressurized water reactor, Sizewell B in Suffolk, began power generation in 1995. The reactor is scheduled to close in 2035, but could be extended for another 20 years.

According to British government statistics, nuclear energy accounted for about 14% of Britain's electricity production last year, down from about 20% in 2013.

However, despite efforts to replace declining capacity, Hinkley Point C is currently the only new nuclear power plant under construction in the UK.

EDF and the UK government are yet to make a final investment decision on the second planned plant, Sizewell C, as they look to attract external investors to the project.

Commenting on EDF's announcement, NESO Chief Executive Fintan Slye said nuclear energy plays an important role in the power system.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said the extension was a win for energy independence.




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