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Russia is tightened on the ceasefire as American Ends in Ukraine CV | Russia-Ukraine War News

Russia is tightened on the ceasefire as American Ends in Ukraine CV | Russia-Ukraine War News



Sources say that the Kremlin is wary, while Poland reports that the flow of American military aid to Ukraine is already back at speed.

Russia has remained close to the acceptance of Ukraines of a ceasefire agreement in the United States.

The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Russia was expecting a briefing from the United States following talks with Ukrainian officials before commenting on the proposed ceasefire. However, signals suggest that Moscow is wary, while US military aid in kyiv quickly resumed.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that it was important not to get ahead of the question of answering the cease-fire proposal, and suggested that a telephone call between the presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to discuss the issue was not excluded.

We assume that Secretary of State Rubio and Advisor [Michael] Walz through various channels in the coming days will inform us about the negotiations that have taken place and the understanding affected, he added.

Ukraine expressed its provision to accept a 30-day ceasefire on Tuesday at a meeting in Saudi Arabia. The United States said the ball was now at the Russian court.

Moscow officials, however, reported that Russia was wary.

Russia advances [on the battlefield]So it will be different with Russia, noted Senator Konstantin Kosachev in an article on the Telegram messaging application. All agreements should be on our conditions, and not American.

A Senior Russian source told Reuters that Russia would need to chop the terms of any ceasefire and obtain guarantees from a description.

It is difficult for Putin to accept this in its current form, said the source. Putin has a strong position because Russia is progressing.

Return to arms

In response to the Ukraine agreement with the cease-fire proposal, the United States has agreed to resume military aid and intelligence with kyiv, which was suspended last week following a birth between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Wednesday morning, Poland, which acts as a logistics center for the delivery of military aid to its eastern neighbor, said on Wednesday morning that the weapon flow was already back at the previous levels.

I confirm that arms deliveries via Jasionka [logistics hub] returned to the previous levels, said the Minister of Affairs of Affairs of the Affairs of the Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski told journalists.

The news was greeted by the European Allies of kyiv, who are now looking to increase the pressure on Russia to respond to the cease-fire proposal.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the idea of ​​a 30-day ceasefire is an important and correct step towards a just peace for Ukraine now [President Vladimir] Poutine.

Continuation of fighting

In the midst of intense diplomatic round trips, the fighting on the ground continued.

Just before the meeting in Saudi Arabia, Ukraine launched its greatest drone attack on Moscow, killing several people and causing generalized damage.

Kyiv said the dam was intended to encourage Putin to accept the proposals of a truce.

Late Tuesday, Russian ballistic missiles killed four Syrian men while struck a ship moored in the Ukrainian south port of Odesa. Another missile killed a woman in Kryvih Rih.

In the Russian region of Kursk owned by kyiv, Ukrainian troops appeared on the point of losing their foot hard, while Moscow claimed other advances, and military bloggers on both sides said that kyiv's forces retired.




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