New Humanist Magazine joined Humanists UK

After the first century, the merger was announced between the new humanist magazines and the Rationalist Association, which published the British humanists since its founding in 1885.
For 130 years, New Humanist has been an important platform for journalism and insightful commentary that has been awarded award -winning science, technology, culture and politics. As part of Humanists UK, the magazine readers have soared to more than 130,000, and the printing circulation is more than 26,000. The majority of these readers will be subscribers, and new humanists can also be used in news agents nationwide. This expansion is ready to solve the urgent global tasks of our time, the new humanist.
In the age of false information and division, new humanists will advocate a rational approach to freedom, human rights, and modern issues of thinking and expression. As the questions about the meaning and purpose of life continues to be made of more sharp slogans, so many people find answers to false and divided stories from nationalism to the beliefs of the new era, and are looking for the answer to white supremacy about the theory of conspiracy on the left and right. The magazine aims to greet humanist movements and foster more reasonable and merciful public discourses by providing a platform for various voices and in -depth analysis.
Humanists UK, with more than 130,000 members and supporters, has experienced significant growth for the past 20 years, building up a trend of many charity and increasing the number of British people identified as non -religion. In the era of fake news, hasty response and cancellation culture, the humanist movement has continued to defend the freedom of thinking, language and expression, along with universal human rights in media, law and public policy. Educational work and non -religious consciousness benefit more than a million people every year, while professional services such as asylum and emotional support of hospitals and prison are helpful to support people at the darkest. Nearly four times the size of the size of just 10 years ago, the charity group continues to increase the demand for non -religious marriage and funeral, especially the coverwork that supports non -religious families with religious problems in schools.
In addition to publishing a new humanist magazine, the Humanist British will obtain a rationalist press association, a cheap re -printing for the historical publishers of humanist and rationalist literature, especially for the working class readers. It will start again with a rationalist press at the end of this year. Laurie Taylor's president of the Rationalist Association has also become vice president of Humanists UK.
Andrew COPSON chief executive said:
We are struggling as difficult in the long history of the organization. At any time, we need a strong humanist movement in the 21st century, which is a big reinforcement. Humanism has a bright future in England.
NIKI SETH-SMITH, editor of New Humanist, said:
As a publisher of the Humanist Britain, we can approach the majority of our country and people around the world who think, curiosity, and care about the state of the world.
We have a great plan to use boost leadership to make magazines have a greater impact and influence, and we look forward to achieving this with the editorial team.
Clive Coen, the chairman of the rationalist association, mentioned:
The Rationalist Association Management Committee is satisfied with this merger. Finding a place for New Humanist magazines on Humanists UK strengthens the voice of humanism and the voice of rationalism while securing the future.
Professor Jim Al-Kalili, vice president of Humaniss UK, said:
As a scientist, I depend first on evidence and reason for answering scientific questions about how the world works, and training tries to apply this to everyday life. Of course, evidence -based arguments, reasonable thinking and reason are not the only preservation of science. In more and more complex worlds we need organizations that advocate these values more extensively.
The humanist and rationalist associations always shared this goal, but by working separately, the impact was diluted. As a humanist British president, I wondered why the humanism/rationalist message was diluted through the activities of two separate organizations, so we finally we have to amplify our voices and join the power to reach more audience.
British humanist Alice Roberts said:
As a biological anthropologist and a person who is deeply interested in human stories, I learned that one of the superpower of mankind is the ability to cooperate with each other. The humanist and rationalist associations tried to understand our position in the world, celebrate our shared humanity, and promote critical thinking. They create a lively herb for intellectual exploration, ethical discussions and merciful behaviors. So I think this is a very positive evolutionary stage of merger to adapt to our challenges. We can now share our knowledge, network and resources to create a stronger voice of Britain and other reason and empathy. This requires a strong union for difficult times and reasonable thinking, sympathy and empathy.
Simple history of new humanists, rationalist associations and humanists
New Humanist has been a non -religious magazine dedicated to reason and vibrant discussions for 140 years. Originally, the Wattss Literary Guide was a literary guide and rationalist review in 1894 since the founder Charles Albert Wats, and became a new humanist in 1956 and a new humanist in 1972. Honorary colleagues of RPAS, including Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein, had a copy of the magazine at the top of his desk at the time of his death. Vera BrittAin, a member of the long -standing rationalist association, once given toast in 1935 and was typical of the association's extensive appeal. The rationalist association acquired RPA work in 2002.
Those who have contributed to new humanists for many years are Bertrand Russell, Barbara Wootton, Em Fisher, Jacob Bronowski, Richard Dawkins, Bernard Crick, Ruth Padel, Terry Prathett, Philip It included religious figures such as Pullman, Amartya Sen and Margaret Knight, and a large house of Rowan Williams. As a publisher, the Rationalist Press Association published a cheap work through the printed material of the L. Susan Stebbing of the Charles Darwin, TH Huxley, John Stuart Mill and L. Susan Stebbing. In recent years, through new humanism online, print or podcast, Samira Ahmed, Sally Feldman, Michael Rosen, Angela Saini, Jonathan Franzen, Stephen Fry, Mary Bear, Kenan Malik, Marie Le Conte, There are Reni Enno-Lodge, Marcus Chown and Shaparak Khorsandi.
Humanists UK was originally established as a coalition of ethical society, a coalition of non -religious society, which originally carried out charitable projects and provides alternatives to the church. In 1920 it became an ethical association, and in 1963 IT and RPA formed the British Humanist Association as an umbrella group. This was the first attempt to merge between the two groups. However, discrimination against non -religion of charity law at that time led to an ethical labor union in 1967, which means that the RPA should withdraw from the merger. The Ethics Union became the British Humanist Association and changed its name to England in 2017.
Today, the humanist England is a national charity that works on behalf of non -religious people. More than 130,000 members and supporters are powered up to promote free thinking and promote humanism, creating a tolerant society that prevails reasonable thinking and kindness. It provides a campaign that develops humanistic thinking for ethical issues, human rights and equal treatment for everyone, and provides consciousness, pastoral management, education and support for more than a million people every year. It also publishes a new Humanist Magazine.
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