Zelenskyy wants us to hit Russia with “maximum” sanctions if it refuses the ceasefireExBulletin

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks during the briefing in kyiv, Ukraine on Wednesday. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP HIDE LEGEND
Switch the legend Efrem Lukatsky / AP
kyiv, Ukrainian Ukrainian President Voludymyr Zelenskyy, said that he hoped that the United States would apply “maximum sanctions” on Russia if he refuses to accept a 30-day ceasefire and described the response of “Bravado” by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“The Russians say, for example,” we support a cease-fire, but “then after the” but “, they start to come with various details to delay the process,” Zelenskyy said on a meeting with the Ukrainian and international information media, including NPR.
Zelenskyy's comments crowned a week of intense dialogue on how to end the Russian war against Ukraine. The Trump administration has held separate meetings with Ukrainian and Russian officials this week. On Tuesday, Ukraine agreed to promulgate a 30-day ceasefire, but so far, Russia has wanted to set other conditions before reaching a short-term truce.
If Russia accepts a short-term ceasefire, Zelenskyy said it would be possible to monitor violations using satellite data, joint intelligence with allies and Ukraine recognition drones. “Air defense protections must be 100%,” he said, if there is a renewed Russian invasion.
After a ceasefire, Zelenskyy said that the most difficult issue was to deal with the Ukrainian territory occupied by Russian. Zelenskyy said it came to talks to Djeddah, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, between the Ukrainian team and representatives of the Trump administration, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and the National Security Advisor Mike Waltz.
“Our partners know our red lines, that we do not recognize the occupied territories as the territories of Russia, and we will never recognize them,” said Zelenskyy.
Speaking Thursday in the oval office, Trump spoke of “a very large central” when we speak of any territorial concessions, probably a reference to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the Ukrainian city of Enerhodar. This nuclear power plant, which does not produce electricity at the moment, is the largest in Europe and has been under Russian occupation since 2022.
“You can't just say, here is the plant and the city is separated,” he said.
Zelenskyy also spoke of Kursk, the West Russia region that Ukraine occupied last summer in a surprise foray that embarrassed the Kremlin. Since November, with the help of the North Korean troops, Russia has pushed Ukrainians out of most of the region.
Putin said on Thursday that her troops had updated Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk. Trump seemed to echo that in an article on social networks, saying that “thousands of Ukrainian troops are completely surrounded by the Russian army” and calling Putin to save their lives. Speaking before the Security Council of Russia on Friday, Putin said that if the Ukrainian forces “lay down their arms and went, they would be guaranteed for life and decent treatment”.
On Friday, the soldiers of Ukraine denied that his troops had been surrounded and said that Russia had affirmed this “for political ends and to put pressure on Ukraine and its partners”.
Zelenskyy acknowledged that the situation of Ukrainian troops in Kursk “is obviously very difficult” but that they had achieved their main objective: to divert the Russian troops from the Pokrovsk eastern city, which has been attacked for months.
NPR producer Hanna Palamarenko contributed from Kyiv.
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