The feeling of consumers plunges as we are afraid of a highly higher price | Donald Trump News

The weakness of the feeling reflects a deterioration of expectations for the future on several facets of the economy, including personal finances, employment, inflation.
In the United States, consumers' feeling has plunged to a hollow of almost two and a half years, and the expectations of inflation has skyrocketed in the concerns that President Donald prevails over the scanning rates, which triggered a trade war, would increase prices and underline the economy.
The deterioration of the feeling in March and the expectations of inflation reported by the University of Michigan surveys with consumers have been affiliations to political parties with consumers saying that frequent girations in economic policies make consumers very difficult to plan for the future.
This reflects similar concerns in certain commercial surveys. The uncertainty created by prevailing on booming prices as well as on an escalation of trade tensions is likely to derail an economic expansion. The fears of higher prices, which led consumers in the long term, the expectations of inflation at levels observed for the last time at the beginning of 1993, created a challenge for those responsible for the Federal Reserve, because they consider the next stages of monetary policy.
The jury is back, and the verdict is inside. Trump 2.0's policies harm the future economy and prosperity in America, said Christopher Rupkey, chief economist at FWDBB. The consumer is afraid and sees highly higher prices to come despite Washington's insurance that commercial prices are good for the economy.
The University of Michigan said that its feelings of consumers fell at 57.9, the lowest level since November 2022, from a final reading of 64.7 in February. The economists interviewed by the Reuters news agency had planned that the index fell to 63.1.
The index erased all the gains displayed following Trumps' electoral victory in November.
The weakness of the feeling this month reflects a deterioration of expectations for the future on several facets of the economy, including personal finances, employment, inflation, commercial conditions and the stock market.
The Republicans recorded a 10% drop in their expectations independent, while the self -employed experienced a 12% drop. The expectations among democrats fell 24%.
Consumers of the three political affiliations agree that the prospects have been weakening since February, surveys for consumer director Joanne Hsu said. Many consumers have cited the high level of uncertainty about policy and other economic factors.
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Trump slapped a series of prices on a wide range of goods from key business partners such as Canada, China and the European Union, which responded with their own tasks. Some prices were imposed and then suspended for a month.
Trump threatened Thursday to hit Europe with a 200% price on wine, cognac and other imports of alcohol. The price stroke and climbing in the trade war shaken the financial markets, provoking sales on the stock markets, which also contributed to a depressing feeling this month.
Consumer inflation expectations over 12 months increased to 4.9%, the highest since November 2022, against a prediction of 4.3% in February. Over the next five years, consumers have seen inflation operating at 3.9%. It was the highest reading since February 1993 and compared to 3.5% in February.
Wall Street's actions were traded on Friday after being beaten during previous sessions. The dollar has changed little against a basket of currencies. The American treasure gives Rose.
FED officials meet next week should leave the interest rate of American central banks of the day after the range of 4.25% to 4.5%, which reduced it by 100 base points since September, while they continue to assess the economic impact of Trump's administration policies.
The financial markets expect the Fed to regain the reduction in borrowing costs in June after the speed of breaking up in January in January in the middle of an eg Ahanges economic perspective. The policy rate was increased by 5.25 percentage points in 2022 and 2023 to tame inflation.
Trump also embarked on an unprecedented campaign to considerably reduce the government through the Elon Musks Department of Government Effectorcy, or Doge, which has reduced the funding and dismissed thousands of federal workers.
The unions representing some of the civil servants challenged the layoffs, which results from the interests.
A Reuters / Ipsos survey on Americans conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday showed that 57% of survey participants think that Trumps' movements to shake the economy are too erratic, and 53% think that the tariff war will do more harm than good.
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