OFCOM cracks down illegal content throughout the UK social media.

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Social media groups, search engines, and messaging apps should take strict measures to quickly remove illegal data and reduce the risk of these content according to the new rules of British Media Watch Dog next week.
OFCOM begins to implement new rules designed to protect Internet users from illegal contents and harmful activities online. Regulatory authorities and lawmakers want additional authority to curb extreme and false information that caused violent anxiety, following mass stabs at the South Port last summer.
Under the UKS (UKS Online Safety Act), the technology company had to complete the forced illegal contents risk assessment by this weekend to understand how much the user was likely to meet illegal contents in the service.
For users' messaging services, this includes a method used to commit or promote crime crimes.
The so -called illegal content covers 17 categories of terror, child abuse and suicide, suicide, stalking and drugs, crimes and fraud crimes.
From next week, OFCOM begins to evaluate the compliance with new illegal damage under the OSA and begins to implement problems and compliance. The OSA was passed by Congress in 2023, but is being implemented this year and the next stage.
Site and apps must begin to implement safety measures to alleviate risks, and senior executives who are nominated as employees are responsible for compliance with regulations and better mediation, easier reporting and internal safety tests.
In accordance with the new rules, the technology company must make the arbitration team with resources and training, and set the performance goals to find the illegal data by setting the performance goals. The platform must test the algorithm to make it difficult to spread illegal content.
OFCOM initially determines the priority of larger sites and apps that can suggest specific damage from illegal contents because of its size and characteristics because there is a large number of users in the UK or a part of the most harmful online content and behavior.
SUZANNE CATER, an executive director of OFCOM, said: the platform must now act quickly to comply with legal tasks, and our code is designed to help. But do not make a mistake. Providers who do not introduce the necessary protection may be expected to face all the force of enforcement measures.
Linklaters, a British law firm, explained that the new rules are the first large regulatory deadline for OSA. Companies may be fined up to 18 million or 10 %of global qualifiers.
Ben Packer, a partner of Linklaters, said: I think there may be some companies that have not done much.
Packer pointed out that the threat of the ofcom of intervening could surpass financial imposition, the regulatory authorities could command the company to take additional measures with the technology distributed to detect content intervention, user reporting or content.
Our experience in other sectors is this kind of intervention in the operation of a company that has a greater impact, he said.
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