The United States deports hundreds of Venezuelans in Salvador despite the court order

A plane carrying more than 200 Venezuelans expelled by the United States landed in Salvador, a few hours after an American judge ordered the Trump administration not to do so.
The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, wrote on social networks that 238 members of the Venezuelan gang Tren of Aragua had arrived, with 23 members of the MS-13 Gang International, Sunday morning.
Their arrival in the Nation of Central America came after a Federal Judge blocked US President Donald Trump to invoke a secure law in wartime to justify the deportations – something Bukele laughed in a later position.
“Oopsy … too late,” he said.
The United States's decision to send alleged criminals from other countries to El Salvador was a rubio arrangement previously called “the most unprecedented and unprecedented migratory agreement in the world”.
Bukele wrote that the detainees were immediately transferred to the El Salvador (CECOC) terrorism confinement center “for a period of one year”, something that was “renewable” – suggesting that they could be held there longer.
“The United States will pay very low costs for them, but a top for us,” he added.
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio confirmed the alleged arrival of gang members in Salvador and thanked Bukele, calling “the strongest security leader in our region”.
A few hours earlier, on Saturday evening, the American district judge James Boasberg interrupted the deportations covered by the proclamation of Trump, which invoked the law on extraterrestrial enemies of 1798.
The law allows the government to hold and expel people threatening the security of the country without regular procedure.
After hearing that planes with deportees had taken off, judge Boasberg ordered them to turn around, the Washington Post reported.
Rubio confirmed in a statement on Sunday that the deportations had occurred under the Act on Extraterrestrial Enemies and did not mention the judge's decision.
He said, “Hundreds of violent criminals were sent from our country.”
A video attached to one of Bukele's social media public shows lines of people with their hands and their feet chained to escort by officials of the plane.
Some detainees are placed at the back of armored vehicles, while others, leaning while the officers push their heads down, are forced from bus.
The video also shows an aerial view of a long winding font escort leading the buses in the famous mega-jail Cecot d'El Salvador.
The newly constructed maximum security prison is a proud achievement of Bukele, and part of its efforts to suppress the organized crime of the country.
The establishment, which can contain up to 40,000 people, has been criticized by human rights groups for mistreatment of detainees.
The arrangement between the United States and Salvador is a sign of strengthening diplomatic links.
“Thank you for your help and friendship,” Rubio told Bukele on Sunday.
El Salvador was the second Rubio country, the best diplomat in the United States, visited after taking the oath.
During this trip, which took place in February, Bukele made a first offer to take us deportees, saying that this would help pay the Massive Cecot facilities.
Trump's second deportations of the second term of Trump's long-term crusade against illegal immigration to the United States.
In January, Trump signed a decree declaring Tren of Aragua and MS-13 as foreign terrorist organizations.
He won voters on the Campaign campaign, in part, promising to promulgate the largest deportation operation in the history of the United States.
The agenda has so far not met expectations, with immigration and customs' application agents (ICE) not meeting Trump's daily quota for arrests.
A recent report suggested that ICE agents had expelled fewer immigrants in February than they had the same month in the previous administration under Joe Biden – 11,000 in February 2025, against 12,000 in February 2024 – according to NBC News.
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