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United States braces for continued increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations | United States and Canada


As newly reported cases of the coronavirus continue to climb across much of the United States, breaking hospitalization records, some local leaders are working to enact tighter restrictions.

U.S. officials had pleaded with Americans to avoid travel and limit social gatherings as the country entered the winter holiday season.

But many appear to have ignored those calls over the Thanksgiving long weekend as the Transportation Security Administration screened nearly 1.2 million air passengers on Sunday, the highest since mid-March.

A traveler checks in for a flight at Ohare International Airport ahead of Thanksgiving vacation in Chicago, Illinois, USA [Kamil Krzaczynski/Reuters]That number is still around 60% lower on a comparable day last year, when 2.88 million passengers were screened, the highest on record by the agency.

Health officials say they are now bracing for a surge of cases over the next two or three weeks that could be linked to the holiday gatherings.

There will almost certainly be an increase because of what happened with the trip, Dr Anthony Fauci, one of the nation’s top infectious disease experts, told ABCs This Week on Sunday.

More than 13 million people have contracted COVID-19 in the United States and at least 267,000 have died, according to a count from John Hopkins University. The number of new COVID-19 cases reported in the United States exceeded 200,000 for the first time on Friday. The previous highest daily tally was 196,000 on November 20, according to Hopkins data.

Hospitalizations are at a high pandemic level and deaths are the highest in six months.

People line up as the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank distributes food outside a church in Los Angeles, California, USA [Mike Blake/Reuters]The United States is recording an average 162,000 new cases a day over the past week, and a record 93,000 people have been hospitalized with the virus.

The virus has had such an effect on the lives of Americans that the word pandemic was declared the word of the year on Monday by Merriam-Webster and

Both dictionaries have declared the word a top search on their web pages. called it an important word for a year in a row and said the pandemic itself has reshaped the way people use everyday language.

It also continues to change everyday life.

More than 20 states have issued new or revamped restrictions on business, schools and social life as cases mount.

New restrictions in California

California counties passed tougher restrictions to take effect Monday after the state broke a record with more than 7,400 hospitalizations for coronavirus.

Los Angeles County is the most populous country and has imposed new rules requiring its 10 million people to stay in their homes as much as possible.

San Francisco and San Mateo counties have moved to the most restrictive purple level in the state’s pandemic plan for the economy. This level forces most indoor activities to close and places residents under curfew from Monday evening.

Also in northern California, Santa Clara County, home to Silicon Valley, has banned all high school, college and professional sports, and imposed a quarantine on people traveling to the region from areas more than 241 kilometers.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at a press conference after welcoming students for the first day of preschool in person in the Queens neighborhood of New York City, USA [Brendan McDermid/Reuters]But in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio reversed the course on Sunday, announcing that public schools would begin reopening for classroom instruction five days a week for students who want to take full-time classes. Previously, students received a mixture of online and in-person instruction.

Schools in the nation’s largest system were closed less than two weeks ago after the rate of city-wide coronavirus tests that come back positive surpassed a 3% threshold agreed by the mayor and union teachers.

De Blasio said schools will begin reopening for in-person learning on December 7, starting with elementary schools for students whose parents agree to a weekly testing regimen for the novel coronavirus.

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