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Brexit: EU chief of trade berates Boris Johnson for threat of no deal | United Kingdom | New


Hogan, who has been the EU trade commissioner since 2019, told reporters that he said it was "unnecessary" for any party to the trade talks to say they would walk away from the negotiating table. The Irish official also said that Johnson would be "unwise" to enshrine walking in the law. When asked if the European Union would reject trade negotiations, Mr Hogan replied: "I cannot exclude what the United Kingdom would do to make us leave."

Later, in a speech to the Royal Irish Academy, the chief of trade expressed concern about what he described as "diminishing interest" in Brexit.

Mr Hogan was present to contribute to a panel on "EU trade in the midst of global uncertainty", organized by MEP Frances Fitzgerald.

Describing the EU's demands, he said: "Obviously we want the calmest waters, no tariffs, no dumping."

But the Irish politician seemed to be directing a warning directly to Mr Johnson that the threat of a Brexit without an agreement did not "cut the ice" with the withdrawal agreement, and he would not therefore not in trade negotiations.

He said: "Trade negotiations succeed when both parties win.

"A Brexit without agreement is the worst of all worlds."

The trade negotiator has encouraged UK companies to voice their feelings about the damage that a non-agreement could potentially cause Britain.

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The chief of trade yesterday expressed optimism about the talks between the UK and the European bloc.

He praised the government of Boris Johnson for showing a growing sense of "realism" in the negotiations, and said the initial "argy-bargy" between the two powers was in the past.

Mr Hogan said of the discussions: "The background music was better than expected.

"Once the initial skirmish is over, we hope we can make a lot of progress by the end of June."

While negotiations with the UK are underway, the EU is also eyeing a trade deal with the United States.

Hogan said the prospect of negotiating a "mini-deal" is approaching and that "slow and small steps" would help the two political powers achieve their goal.

He concluded: "I will be in Washington DC next week and I hope that we will progress next.

"There is currently momentum for both sides to explore a possible new trade deal."

In addition to his representation on the European Commission, Mr. Hogan is also an Irish politician from the Fine Gael.

He was previously European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development between 2014 and 2019.

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