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Fatal mutation detected in gamma variant

Fatal mutation detected in gamma variant


All viruses mutate and change over time, and the COVID-19 virus is no exception. Some of these changes have a slight effect on the properties of the virus, but some other mutations can make the virus more contagious and deadly. Researchers at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and MIT have now found that mutations in the gamma variant (P1) of coronavirus disease are associated with increased mortality. This was the first variant to appear in Brazil and was formerly known as the Brazilian variant. The World Health Organization also calls this mutation a “variant of concern.” According to researchers, this new mutation also results in greater infectivity, higher infection rates, and increased pathogenicity.This study is published in the journal Genetic epidemiology.. Read again- In a ferocious pandemic, experts warn people against swine flu as a case of increased H1NI

Variant of concern

Researchers have published findings based on genome-wide association study (GWAS) methodologies.They studied whole genome sequencing data SARS-CoV-2 mutation And COVID-19 mortality data reach this conclusion. Researchers started this study last year. They looked for an association between each mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 virus single-strand RNA and the mortality rate of 7,548 COVID-19 patients in Brazil in September 2020. They confirmed that certain mutations at the locus 25,088 bp in the viral genome were altered. Spike protein. This mutation was associated with a significant increase in mortality in COVID-19 patients. The team flagged the variant with this mutation, which was later identified as part of P1, the gamma variant, or the previously known Brazilian variant. Read again- New COVID-19 symptoms that let you know if you have re-infected with coronavirus after vaccination

Researchers say the GWAS methodology may provide suitable tools that can be used to analyze the potential association between mutations at specific locations in the viral genome and disease outcomes. I will. This enables more accurate real-time detection of new, dangerous variants or new virus strains in pandemic scenarios. Read again- Eleven recipients of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine show rare neuropathy after receiving a jab

This mutation caused a second wave of infection in Brazil

The P1 variant first appeared in Brazil in January 2021. Within a few weeks, in the Brazilian city of Manaus, Pandemic Researchers hypothesized that during that first wave, so many people developed antibodies against the virus that urban dwellers achieved herd immunity. But instead, they were surprised that P1, which has some mutations in the peplomer used by the virus to attach and invade host cells, caused a second wave of infection. I saw that. It was more contagious and more likely to die than the earlier variants found in the area.

How does this affect you?

We have seen how fast different strains of COVID-19 move to different parts of the world. Formerly known as India’s Double Variant, the Delta Variant is now the predominant strain in the United Kingdom and the United States after causing widespread devastation in India. Mutations in COVID-19 that occur anywhere in the world can be transmitted to other parts of the world, and if they are toxic strains, they cause great disruption to medical scenarios in other parts of the world. It’s just a matter of time.

Current situation in Brazil

More than 500,000 COVID-19s have died in Brazil. The death toll nationwide is 5,00,800. The country ranks second on the list of countries with more than 500,000 pandemic deaths. The United States is number one on this list.

(With input from IANS)

Published: June 24, 2021 at 9:00 am | Updated: June 24, 2021 at 9:10 am

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