Covid: Charities call for more support for 500,000 immunocompromised as restrictions ease
An estimated 500,000 immunocompromised people need extra support from the government, leading health charities have said amid plans to ease Covid restrictions in the coming weeks.
Sixteen organisations have joined forces to urge ministers to do more for those whom the Covid-19 vaccines may give less protection.
With most of England’s Covid rules due to be scrapped on July 19, including the wearing of masks, charities such as Versus Arthritis, Anthony Nolan, Blood Cancer UK and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust said immunocompromised or immunosuppressed people could be negatively impacted.
The charities want better communication from the government and the NHS to inform patients, the wider public and employers about the potentially higher and continued risks that Covid-19 poses to immunocompromised people.
Lockdown rules in England: What’s changing from July 19
What will happen to social distancing and the rule of six?
What will happen to social distancing and the rule of six?
The ‘one metre plus’ rule will be scrapped entirely on July 19. However, some guidance to maintain social distancing in certain situations will remain in place of the legal restrictions.
Social distancing guidance will continue if someone is Covid positive and self-isolating, or in airports, or other ports of entry, to avoid travellers arriving from amber or red-list countries mixing with those from green list areas.
Limits on social contact in England will disappear, meaning the end of the rule of six indoors and the limit of 30 people for outdoor gatherings.
Will I still need to wear a face mask?
Will I still need to wear a face mask?
There will be no legal requirements to wear face coverings in the final step of unlocking – but guidance will still encourage using masks in some settings, including hospitals, healthcare settings and in crowded enclosed public spaces.
Will the working from home guidance change?
Will the working from home guidance change?
The guidance on working from home will go. It’s ultimately down to employers to decide whether to keep staff at home or in the office, but the government say employers are able to plan the return of staff to the workplace.
What about weddings and funerals?
What about weddings and funerals?
The current limits on numbers of people who can attend weddings, funerals and other life events will end on July 19.
What’s happening in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?
What’s happening in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?
The changes to Covid rules announced by Boris Johnson, only impact England and will not change regulations in Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland.
The Welsh Government “would like to move together” with other parts of the UK in lifting coronavirus restrictions but will only do so if it is “right for Wales”, health minister Eluned Morgan said on Monday 5 July.
The Scottish government delayed further wide-scale reopening to July 19 when they have planned for all areas to move to level 0. They are aiming to lift all major restrictions in Scotland by August 9.
In Northern Ireland, some significant restrictions have already been eased including allowing the resumption of live music and the lifting of caps on organised outdoor gatherings. Regulations will be reviewed on or before July 8.
Speaking on behalf of the coalition, Fiona Loud, policy director at Kidney Care UK, said: “Everyone needs to understand how they can continue to protect those that remain vulnerable; any one of those 500,000 people could be your mum, your brother, your colleague, or your best friend.”
They also want employment protection and access to workplace adjustments for immunocompromised people, including the duty to consider working from home wherever possible and flexibility in start and finish times so as to avoid peak-time travel.
Furthermore, the charities are calling for a commitment that research into Covid-19 booster vaccines and any future booster programme considers how best to deliver the maximum level of protection possible to immunocompromised or immunosuppressed people and that they are prioritised for vaccination.
A poll of more than 2,000 members of the public for the charities found that 68% were not aware that people who have certain health conditions, or who take specific medication, are not as protected by both doses of Covid-19 vaccine as effectively as the general public.
Research papers have suggested that those with weakened immune systems do not get as high levels of antibodies from vaccines as fully healthy people.
Ms Loud added: “We of course understand and share the desire to return to something close to normality again, but this cannot be at the expense of thousands of lives.
“The needs and safety of those at risk must be considered as a matter of urgency as the country lifts the measures which were providing some protection for them.”
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