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US Corona Virus: Science Hasn’t Changed, Virus Has Changed, Forch Says CDC Updates Mask Guidance

US Corona Virus: Science Hasn’t Changed, Virus Has Changed, Forch Says CDC Updates Mask Guidance
US Corona Virus: Science Hasn’t Changed, Virus Has Changed, Forch Says CDC Updates Mask Guidance


“We haven’t changed science,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “The virus has changed and science has evolved with the changing virus.”

Some experts pointed to unvaccinated Americans as an important factor in changing mask guidance and said measures needed to be taken to mask them.

“80 million American adults have made the choice. They have chosen not to be vaccinated, and those same people are not obscuring, and it has spread the virus throughout the country. It’s the power to be, “said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, CNN Medical Analyst, CNN.

However, other people, including the CDC, find that, unlike other strains, vaccinated people infected with the delta mutant can still get high viral load and are more likely to spread the virus. He said it was more relevant to the new data shown.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, quoted an intelligence investigator as saying, “Unlike the alpha variant we had in May, we believe that vaccination can result in more infections. It wasn’t, but it’s different from the Delta variant. ” When looking at an outbreak cluster.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, nearly all 50 states are experiencing a surge in new cases, averaging at least 10% more than last week, and U.S. Surgeon President Vivek Murthy said the U.S. variant has this variant. He said he was looking at how dangerous it really was. time.

“This is really what you want to happen in science. You want recommendations that make science dynamic and reflect the latest science, and that’s what you see in the recommendations issued today,” Mercy said. I told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday.

But one hasn’t changed, Mercy added. The data said the current vaccine is highly protective against infection, serious illness and death from delta mutants.

Visitors to the Grand Central Market are mostly masked on Tuesdays in Los Angeles, California.

Vaccination remains the “foundation” for ending a pandemic

While masking up helps reduce the Covid-19 epidemic in the United States, vaccination remains the “foundation” for ending the pandemic, Mercy said.

“Vaccines are still effective. They save lives. They prevent hospitalization at a very high rate,” he added.

According to experts, vaccination rates are not the place needed to vaccinate the United States in sufficient quantities to slow or stop the spread of the virus. Many experts advocate the need for vaccines as one way to increase vaccination coverage in the United States.

U.S. surgeon generals say putting the mask back on helps, but vaccination interferes with the pandemic

Los Angeles officials announced on Tuesday that the city would require all employees to show evidence of vaccination or to undergo weekly tests.

Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement, “The fourth wave is coming and we couldn’t clarify Angelenos’ choice. Vaccine or COVID-19.” .. “We promise to pursue a complete vaccine mission. I urge employers throughout Los Angeles to follow this example,” he added.

This move occurs after the number of people hospitalized for coronavirus in Los Angeles County has nearly doubled in the last two weeks. According to the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, 745 people are now hospitalized for the virus, compared to 372 two weeks ago.

Such a request by a local entity is “very rational,” Mercy said on Tuesday.

Some US hospitals and federal agencies require employees to be vaccinated with Covid-19 or to undergo regular testing. Mercy said many private institutions are considering following suit.

“These are decisions that the federal government won’t make,” Mercy told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It will be an institution to make it, but I think it’s very rational because we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and those around us from Covid. Because it’s time to have. 19. “

Authorities demand more vaccinations as hospitals are overwhelmed

The effects of delta variants and increasing cases can be seen in the data and hospital burden.

The American Academy of Pediatrics reported on Tuesday that cases of Covid-19 have increased again among children and teens after a decline in the past two months, affecting more than 38,600 people last week.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 4.13 million children have tested positive for Covid-19. Over 14% of weekly reported cases are children.

Florida hospital staff say they're hearing panic, fear, and regret from unvaccinated Covid-19 patients

In Springfield, Missouri-Greene County, the Cox Health Hospital system must expand its morgue capacity due to an increase in Covid-19-related deaths, Steve Edwards, president and CEO, said Tuesday. rice field.

“Last year we expanded it and expanded it further. In fact, we introduced a portable technology that allows the bodies to be cooled and placed outside the morgue. Due to increased mortality. , I needed to extend it. Very recently. ” Edwards said during an update in the county on behalf of Cox Health.

“Covid has been hospitalized more than 4,000 times, and 549 people have died, resulting in 13.5% of hospitalizations,” Edwards said in explaining what he called “severity of the disease.” About 40% of patients in ICU, ICU do not come out of ICU. “

In New Orleans, as the number of incidents increased, hospitals became resource-bound and began to alienate people, said Bo Tidwell, New Orleans City Communications Director, Tuesday.

“Get your vaccine for God,” he added.

The CDC has called on doctors and public health authorities to act urgently to get more Americans vaccinated.

“COVID-19 cases increased by more than 300% nationwide from June 19 to July 23, 2021, with hospitalization and death due to the highly infectious B.1.617.2 (delta) mutant. It’s increasing, “says CDC. Tuesday health warning..

According to the CDC, Covid-19-related morbidity and mortality may continue to overwhelm healthcare facilities in the United States without increasing vaccination.

CNN’s Maggie Fox, Lauren Mascarenhas, Sarah Moon, Jen Christensen, Raja Razek and Jennifer Feldman contributed to this report.





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