Maharashtra Zika Virus: Things to Watch Out For and Preventive Measures
A 50-year-old woman from Prandal Tesir in the Pune district First confirmed case of Zika virus Infectious disease in Maharashtra. To date, about 60 people in Kerala have been found to be infected with the virus.
With coronavirus Pandemic The emergence of still raging Zika virus There is increasing pressure on health monitoring systems, which are already on the alert.
Some symptoms similar to COVID-19
Early stage of Zika Experts wrote in the Journal of Medical Virology in April this year that viral infections address some of the clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV2 infections and can be difficult to diagnose. However, although Zika virus disease and Covid19 share some similarities, they differ in vector, infection, and epidemiology.
Zika virus disease is a new viral disease that is transmitted by being bitten by infected Aedes aegypti. This is the same as mosquitoes that are known to transmit infectious diseases such as dengue and chikungunya.
Zika virus was first identified in Uganda in 1947. Outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. During the 2013 and 2015 outbreaks in French Polynesia and Brazil, national health officials reported potential neurological and autoimmune complications of Zika virus disease.
Symptoms are similar to those caused by other arbovirus infections such as dengue fever, including fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache. These symptoms are usually mild and last for 2 to 7 days. Only one in four infected people develops the symptoms of the disease.
Concerns, not pandemics
Experts at the National Institute of Virology have stated that Zika virus may be a concern, and work is underway to understand which strains are prevalent in India. Zika virus can occur locally. It was in 2015 that Zika fever was found to be associated with microcephaly in children born to mothers infected with the virus during pregnancy.
The first case of Zika virus was reported in Gujarat, India in 2017, followed by Tamil Nadu. Massive outbreaks occurred in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in late 2018.
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Prevention is the key
Aedes aegypti and its breeding grounds pose a significant risk factor for Zika virus infection. Prevention and management relies on reducing mosquitoes by reducing sources (removal and modification of breeding grounds) and reducing mosquito-to-human contact. To reduce mosquito breeding, it is important to empty, clean, or cover buckets, flower pots, tires, and other containers that can hold water to remove areas where mosquitoes can breed.
At the time of outbreak, pesticide application should be performed according to the guidelines of the National Vector-Mediated Disease Control Program. Experts write in the Journal of Medical Virology that with regard to Covid 19, the importance of adhering to social distance and hygiene measures needs to be emphasized.
For arboviruses, simple measures such as regularly emptying and cleaning water containers and fumigating the entire area should be taken to prevent the virus from infecting and fighting mosquitoes.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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