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Biden, CDC extend deportation ban, challenging Supreme Court – National and International News – WED 4Aug2021 –

Biden, CDC extend deportation ban, challenging Supreme Court – National and International News – WED 4Aug2021 –




Biden, CDC postpone deportation ban, oppose Supreme Court. NY Cuomo refuses to resign after sexual harassment investigation. The Taliban attacked the home of the Afghan defense minister.


Biden, CDC extends deportation ban, challenging Supreme Court

Yesterday, President Biden and the CDC challenged a recent opinion by the Supreme Court by reinstating a ban on evictions. Unlike the previous three deportation moratoriums, this is not a general ban. Instead, it targets U.S. counties that have a high rate of COVID-19 community spread. This ban will apply until October 3. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.

The announcement came after days of pointing fingers between the White House and Congress after the most recent ban ended Saturday. The Supreme Court had approved a 30-day extension of the detention, which would initially expire on June 30th. However, the judges said the CDC could not impose another ban without action by Congress.

Hot political potatoes

When the ban ended, Biden called on Congress to extend a new moratorium ahead of their summer vacation. It soon became clear that Congress had no votes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi instead called on the White House to act. Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) led a protest calling for an extension while sleeping on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington. In one NPR interview, Bush said the president should extend the ban as any legal challenge will take time to go through the courts, giving states more time to approve rental grants.

NPR’s Steve Inskeep asked: “I think you tell the president, please, extend this ban and tell anyone who doesn’t like it, sue me.” Bush responded: “This is exactly what I’m saying. We are in the midst of a deadly global pandemic as we talk about it growing in many areas across the country. We can not afford to have anywhere from 7 million to 11 million “People are now on the streets.”

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NY Cuomo rejects calls to resign after sexual harassment investigation

A months-long investigation by the New York State Attorney General has found that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women linked to his office, including a state employee assigned to protect him. Now, several other prominent Democrats, including President Biden and members of Congress, have called for him to resign. Cuomo has dismissed the allegations, as he did when the allegations first surfaced months ago.

Instead, Cuomo gave a slide presentation in his defense, showing himself embracing and kissing celebrities and other politicians. Cuomo equated his behavior with his accusers with the behavior shown in the photos, insisting he never acted inappropriately.


Women tell a different story. A report that he had hit an aide in his office last year rises to the level of a criminal offense and has been referred to Alban’s police. The state female body says that on two occasions, Cuomo rubbed a finger up and down and all over her body and made comments about her sexual desire.

NY State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, also a Democrat, says it is clear Cuomo cannot remain governor. Heastie says the assembly will move to blame Cuomo as soon as possible.

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The Taliban attacked the home of the Afghan defense minister

In the first major attack in Kabul in months, the Taliban have targeted the home of Afghan Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi with a suicide attack. The Taliban say this was only the first retaliation planned against members of the Afghan administration. The “revenge” was for a counterattack by Afghan forces in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, which the Taliban have occupied.

Mohammadi’s house is located in a affluent neighborhood in Kabul, part of the Green Zone of the city with high security. Eight people, including at least four Taliban militants, died in the attack. Mohammadi himself was not at home.

The attack included several explosions as well as gunshots in the central areas of the city. The attacks also took place in the area around the US mission.

Click here for the full story (opens in new tab).


Tags: Afghanistan, Andrew Cuomo, Cori Bush, deportation ban, international news, Kabul, national news, New Albany MS, New York, northeastern Mississippi news, President Joe Biden, sexual harassment, Taliban, US news, world news




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