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AI helps identify existing drugs that can kill SARS-CoV-2

AI helps identify existing drugs that can kill SARS-CoV-2


Scientists have used artificial intelligence (AI) to prevent or mitigate intracellular SARS-CoV-2 infections, how many have already been used for other purposes (including one dietary supplement). I have identified the candidate drug.

the study, Published in the journal Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences, SARS-CoV-2, using AI-powered image analysis of human cell lines during infection with the causative virus COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)..

Cells were treated and screened with over 1,400 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs and compounds before or after viral infection, resulting in 17 potential hits. Ten of these hits were newly recognized, and seven were identified in previous drug repositioning studies, including remdesivir, one of the few FDA-approved therapies for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients.

“Traditionally, the drug development process takes 10 years, but not 10 years,” said Jonathan Sexton, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan (UM) School of Medicine in the United States. “The treatments we have discovered are well-positioned for Phase 2 clinical trials because of their already established safety,” said Sexton, one of the senior authors of the research treatise.

The team examined 17 candidate compounds in several types of cells, including stem cell-derived human lung cells, to mimic SARS-CoV2 infection in the respiratory tract. Nine showed antiviral activity at reasonable doses containing lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a protein found in human breast milk that is also available in stores as a dietary supplement derived from milk.

“We have found that lactoferrin has a surprising effect on preventing infections and works better than anything else we have observed,” said Sexton.

Early data suggest that this efficacy extends to new variants of SARS-CoV-2, including highly contagious ones. Delta variant, The researcher said.

The team will soon begin clinical trials of the compound to examine its ability to reduce viral load and inflammation in patients infected with SARS-CoV2. The researchers said these trials have been added to the list of ongoing studies of promising reusable drugs. team is, Pandemic, Other drug repositioning studies have identified a variety of compounds with potential efficacy against SARS-CoV2.

“The results seem to depend on the cell system used,” says Sexton. “But new consensus is emerging about a subset of drugs, which are the highest priorities for clinical translation. Most of these are fully expected to not work in humans, but they do. I expect that there will be, “he said.

The study also identified a class of compounds called MEK inhibitors. These are usually prescribed for treatment. cancer, Seems to exacerbate SARS-CoV2 infection. “People who receive chemotherapy are already at risk from a weakened immune response, and we need to investigate whether some of these drugs exacerbate the progression of the disease,” Sexton said. .. The next step is to use electronic health records to see if COVID-19 results are poor for patients taking these medications.





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