Delta “Sacrifices” at NI in 2,397 New Cases
The Covid-19 Delta variant is “at the expense” in Northern Ireland. This is because the daily highs for new cases were recorded today.
Today, 2,397 new cases of the virus and 9 more deaths were reported.
Health Minister Robin Swann said the latest figures were “deeply concerned” and that the delta variant of the virus was “damaging Northern Ireland.”
Swan said it is now essential that as many citizens as possible be vaccinated.
A major campaign to increase vaccination in Northern Ireland will take place over the next few days.
Big Jab Weekend is the last chance for adults over the age of 18 to receive their first vaccination at the Walk-in Mass Vaccination Center.
Approximately 86% of Northern Ireland adults receive the first dose of the vaccine.
Health Minister Robin Swan said that reaching an additional 5% could cut the number of people admitted to the hospital with Covid-19 in half.
Northern Ireland is currently in the midst of another wave of the virus, with the highest number of Covid-19-related deaths since February on Wednesday.
More than 360,000 people are vaccinated at SSE Arena.
Tanya Daly, clinical leader of the South Eastern Trust’s Covid-19 vaccination program, said she was happy with the numbers so far, but urged the last unjabbed people to come forward.
“We started small and grew … one time we delivered nearly 5,000 vaccines a day and achieved that in a few days, but that wouldn’t happen if people didn’t come forward. “She said.
“In addition to protecting ourselves and others, this helped open up Northern Ireland.
“We are now in the stage where people can sit in restaurants next to each other. We couldn’t do that a year ago because because of the vaccine, people went out and vaccinated. ..
“If you’re a little nervous, get ahead. If you have any questions or questions, you can answer them on the NI Direct website or guide them to the right place.
Consultant anesthesiologist Craig Renfrew has provided medical support and advice for vaccine programs across the SSE Arena and South Eastern Trust.
Over 500,000 vaccines have been delivered to the South Eastern Trust Area, including 361,113 at SSE Arena.
Renfrew described it as one of the biggest challenges in his medical career.
“We provided them in a safe way, whoever has the side effects we have taken care of, but the majority, over 99% of patients have little long-term effects. “He said.
Renfrew said in the last two weeks he had to reduce the capacity of medical services again due to Covid’s case.
“For example, Ulster Hospital has reduced to four theaters a week instead of eight to nine,” he said, and staff are exhausted but ready for the next surge. ..
Latest figures on deaths related to Covid-19
Meanwhile, the latest analysis by statisticians recorded 34 Covid-19-related deaths in Northern Ireland last week.
Deaths occurred during the week of August 7-13, according to the Northern Ireland Bureau of Statistics.
According to the latest figures, the total number of coronavirus-related deaths recorded by Nisra is 3,100.
Nisra figures are taken from a different data source than the tolls reported by Stormont’s Ministry of Health.
It is always higher than the total of the departments because it provides a complete picture of the impact of Covid-19. The Statistics Bureau reports Covid-19 data one week late.
The death toll of the Ministry of Health was 2,247 on August 13.
Departmental statistics focus primarily on hospital deaths and include only those who test positive for the virus.
Nisra obtains data from death certificates where Covid-19 is recorded as a factor by medical professionals, regardless of where the death occurred or whether the patient was positive.
Of the 3,100 deaths recorded by Nisra by August 13, 2,062 (66.5%) were in hospitals, 791 (25.5%) were in long-term care facilities, 14 (0.5%) were in hospice, and 233. (7.5%) occurred in residential areas or elsewhere.
By August 13, Nisra reported that 1,035 long-term care resident deaths were associated with Covid-19.
This figure includes deaths that occurred in care homes and care home residents who were taken to hospital for treatment.
According to Nisra, care home residents account for approximately 33% of Covid-19-related deaths in Northern Ireland.
In the week leading up to August 13, 40 coronavirus-related deaths were officially registered in Northern Ireland.
This is a little different from the number of deaths.
Some of the deaths registered during the week of August 7-13 may have occurred before that week, as registration can take several days.
People over the age of 75 accounted for 75% of the 3,086 Covid-19-related deaths enrolled between March 19, 2020 and August 13, 2021.
Reported by PA
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