Prevalence, risk factors, and treatment
The number of people with diabetes has increased around the world over the last few decades, but the number of people with diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes — In Asia and China.
Current, 60 percent The proportion of people with type 2 diabetes live in Asia, mainly China and India.
There are many complex factors that influence why diabetes diagnosis is on the rise in this part of the world. Rapid industrialization and urbanization will lead to lifestyle changes that contribute to the rate of diabetes growth in Asia.
Reasons for this increase include:
- Restricted access to affordable and healthy food in urban areas
- Change the taste of certain types of food
- Live a more sedentary life
China has the largest population of people with type 2 diabetes, followed by India.
The number of other Asian countries is also increasing.
The number of people with type 2 diabetes in Japan has increased significantly over the last two decades. In 2013It is estimated that 7.2 million people in Japan have diabetes.
This trend is also seen in other Western Pacific regions.People in American Samoa are one of the countries with the highest incidence of diabetes, and in 2014 2.8 times You are more likely to have diabetes than whites.
Diabetes is most prevalent in low-income communities, where healthy food options may be limited or out of reach. The proportion of obese people is increasing in these areas.
Prevalence of overweight people — BMI 25+ — in China
In 2016, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders 80 percent More likely to be obese than non-Hispanic whites.
Asian Americans 40 percent Diabetes is more likely to be diagnosed than non-Hispanic whites.Asians are also more likely to develop diabetes Lower BMI..according to
Visceral fat Visceral fat that wraps around the internal organs.It may promote physical changes associated with higher risk Heart disease, stroke, And type 2 diabetes.
So why are these problems happening in Asian countries?
According to many organizations tracking the increasing prevalence of diabetes in Asia, there are many lifestyle changes that occur and contribute to the growth of diabetes. These include:
- Increased urbanization, This led to less physical activity
- Higher smoking rate
Increased abdominal fat - Increased insulin resistance
- Lower muscle mass
- Increased consumption of white rice and refined grains
- Increased fat intake
- Increased consumption of lean meat
- More fast food intake
- Prenatal malnutrition
- Higher levels of air pollution
Dietary and lifestyle changes are important for the management and treatment of diabetes in all countries. However, first-line drugs for treating diabetes differ in Asia.
In Western Europe, metformin is the gold standard treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Drugs such as α-glucosidase inhibitors are more popular in Asia. They are particularly effective in lowering postprandial sugar spikes due to their high carbohydrate intake and impaired insulin release. These drugs, including acarbose and miglitol, found It works like metformin. It may also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
Side effects such as gas and diarrhea have reduced the popularity of these drugs in Western countries.About 2 percent A percentage of Chinese people discontinue these drugs due to these side effects. 61 percent In England.
The use of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, which increase insulin production and help postprandial blood glucose spikes, is also more popular in Asian countries.
According to a 2015 review, DPP-4 inhibitors Helps lower HbA1c levels — Blood glucose measurement for 2-3 months — Asians are better than non-Asians.they again
The rate of diabetes in Asian countries has increased significantly over the last few decades. Dietary and lifestyle trends play a major role, and many people in Asian countries are adopting more Western dietary habits.
People in Asia also have low muscle mass and high visceral fat, so low BMI can increase their risk of type 2 diabetes.
Lifestyle changes, medications, and education for type 2 diabetes are important in curbing this upward trend in diagnosis in Asian countries and around the world.
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