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What do vampire bats do for close friends

What do vampire bats do for close friends


When we think of vampire bats, friendship and cooperation may not be the qualities that come to mind for these bloody creatures at night. But maybe they should.

Scientists provided a deeper understanding of the social relationships between vampire bats on Thursday, while those who formed “friendship” -like bonds with others were looking for food. And showed how to rendezvous.

Researchers have attached a small device to 50 vampire bats to track nighttime foraging in Panama. These flying mammals drink blood from the wounds they inflict on cows in the pasture. The study included female bats, which are known to have stronger social relationships than males.

What does a vampire bat friendship look like?

Among the bats were 23 wild-born individuals that had been bred for about two years during a related study of bat social behavior. Social ties have already been observed between some of them. After being returned to the wild, it was found that bats often joined “friends” during foraging and probably coordinated hunting.

“Each bat maintains its own network of close, collaborative social ties,” said Gerald Carter, a behavioral ecologist at Ohio State University, and the Smithsonian Tropical Institute. Studies published in the journal PLoS Biology..

In the photo on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, a vampire bat is drinking cow blood at the Criaturas de la Noche (Creatures of the Night) bat house, a new nighthouse at Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. (Gerald Herbert / Associated Press)

Social ties when vampire bats roost on trees include grooming each other and regurgitating a blood diet for hungry companions. Studies have shown that the social bonds formed by roosts have extended to hunting.

“This study opens up exciting new windows for these animals in their social life,” Carter said.

Researchers rarely go out for food with their “friends,” but researchers may connect with them during hunting, perhaps recognizing each other’s vocalizations and gaining mutual benefit. I suspect it isn’t. They assume that bats may feed by exchanging information about feeding locations and access to open wounds.

Inhabiting the warmer parts of Latin America and boasting a wingspan of about 18 centimeters, the vampire bat is the only mammal to feed on blood only. They live in colonies ranging from 10 to thousands.

“People’s first reaction to vampire bats is usually’uh, scary’,” said Simon Ripperger, a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, co-author of the study.

“But when we talk about their complex social life, they are very surprised to find out what humans are doing in bats and what they expect from primates. . “

Other things that make vampire bats special

Lippelger called bats “amazing creatures” for several reasons.

“In addition to their social life, vampire bats are very special: specializing in a 100 percent blood diet is already very rare among vertebrates,” he said.

“They are great runners you can’t expect from bats. They have a heat sensor in their nose that helps them find a place to chew. Saliva contains proteins that prevent blood from clotting. This is actually It is used in medical trials to prevent blood clots in patients suffering from stroke. “

Bats attack their prey from the ground, use their sharp teeth to open wounds, and slap blood with their tongue.

Carter said there is reason to fear vampire bats because they can infect livestock and people with rabies.

“But I think they are beautiful and interesting animals in their own right,” he said.

“Thus, they are a bit like grizzly bears, sharks, mice, and venomous snakes. Animals can help or endanger people, but they should still be grateful for themselves. is.”




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