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Records show that CWD-positive Wisconsin deer farms sold animals to Minnesota and North Dakota

Records show that CWD-positive Wisconsin deer farms sold animals to Minnesota and North Dakota


According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin farms where CWD was detected have sold nearly 400 deer to 40 farms in seven states over the past five years.

A highly contagious brain disease, CWD is always fatal to deer and other members of certain families, such as elks and elks.

Dr. Beth Carlson, Deputy Veterinarian of the North Dakota Animal Health Commission, said Wednesday, September 29, was notified of the situation by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection in mid-August.

The Wisconsin operation was approved to ship the deer to North Dakota, and the deer met all animal health import requirements, Carlson said in an email. Two deer from Wisconsin went to a single farm in North Dakota. Sean Schaefer of Turtle Lake, North Dakota, and Secretary-General of the Deer Farmers Association of North Dakota, said in a telephone interview.

The herds are isolated, and the deer farm in central North Dakota “is fully cooperating with our investigation,” Carlson said. “There is no evidence of CWD on farms in North Dakota.”

She said the North Dakota Animal Health Commission will receive more detailed updates at its next meeting on October 6.

According to a DNR news release, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources contacted the Minnesota Animal Health Commission on Monday, September 27, confirming the authenticity of the Milwalky Journal Sentinel Report. The Board confirmed that the deer farms in Stillwater, Minnesota and Clear Lake received a total of five deer from the Wisconsin farm between 2016 and 2017.

According to the DNR, it is unknown whether the deer became infected when it was transferred to Minnesota.

“The news that a Minnesota deer farm imported deer from a CWD-infected Wisconsin farm is of great concern,” said DNR Commissioner Sarah Stromen in a statement. “DNR is actively considering management’s response to this latest threat to Minnesota’s wild deer.”

Stillwater Farm, which is currently out of business, first received two deer in 2016. In early 2019, the deer was moved to a farm in Grand Meadow, Minnesota. This farm is also currently closed.

The two deer were then moved to a farm in Wisconsin in late 2019. Minnesota DNR is working to determine if these animals are still alive or dead and tested.

A farm in Clear Lake, Minnesota received three deer from a farm in Wisconsin in the fall of 2017. Two deer were killed in early 2021 and no CWD was detected, DNR said. The third deer is still alive. The owner is waiting for payment before making the animal available for inspection. At this point, the entire herd of Clear Lake is quarantined.

Since 2002, Minnesota DNR has tested more than 90,000 wild deer CWDs, with 115 white-tailed deer positive. In North Dakota, as of January, the Game and Fish Division has identified 44 wild deer CWDs since 2009, when the disease was first detected in southwestern North Dakota. The total includes 18 CWD-positive deer during the 2020 hunting season in North Dakota. The game and fish division said in January. The disease has not yet been discovered in eastern North Dakota.

North Dakota has 16 deer farms, 44 elk farms, three mixed herds, and one reindeer herd. She said the numbers included zoos displaying deer and elks.

“Despite extensive testing (more than 11,000 samples since 1998), CWD has never been suspected or confirmed in North Dakota farmed deer or elk,” Carlson said.




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