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Delay set to push Covid jabs for teens in the UK during Christmas | Coronavirus

Delay set to push Covid jabs for teens in the UK during Christmas | Coronavirus


Delays in the Covid-19 vaccination program between the ages of 12 and 15 as local health teams target vaccination-hating parents in zoom sessions and the “Mopup” clinic plans to isolate missed students Jab at school that may push immunization during the Christmas period.

Head teachers demanded more resources to speed up the scheme as it became clear that the government’s goal of completing the program by half a year would not be met.

Stockport and Oldham public health teams advised Schools conducting Covid vaccination sessions It runs from mid-November to late November. Other schools, including northern London, Watford and Staffordshire, are said to not be visited by vaccination teams until next month. Other head teachers are still waiting to be given a date.

Yesterday, five education unions sent a letter to Minister of Education Nadhim Zahawi urging them to reintroduce school safety measures such as social distance, foam and secondary school face masks.

Cases of Covid-19 are classified in almost all age groups in the United Kingdom, except for the generations of school children and their parents. Last week, more than 200,000 students were absent from school for Covid-related reasons, up 67% from the previous week. The increase in Covid cases in schools has created new restrictions in some areas. Public health officials in Cambridgeshire have asked schools to wear masks and regain social distance, but some schools in Kingston, London have staggered their end times.

Some local NHS teams are asking students to isolate whether their siblings are positive. The Saffol County Council accuses parents of introducing “vaccine apartheid” by telling their parents that if their child is not vaccinated and one sibling is positive, they should stay home for up to a week. It has been. If the siblings contract with Covid, the vaccinated child will be able to attend school as usual.

High infection rates affect vaccination. Students who test positive must wait 28 days before being immunized. A vaccine “mop-up” clinic is currently being planned by a local health team to pick up children who couldn’t get a jab at school. They also accommodate 7-year-old children who are 12 years old after the first wave is administered. The local vaccination team is in full swing because the school needs to implement an influenza vaccine program. This program has been expanded to all students this year.

Jeff Baron, Secretary-General of the School and University Leaders Association, said: We are at a loss to understand why the government has not focused more on ensuring that this happens as soon as possible.

“The main problem seems to be that the medical team does not have enough staff to vaccinate many students at once, and that the demand for vaccines exceeds the supply.”

Meanwhile, the council and local health authorities have conducted a “vaccination webinar” to convince disliked parents that their children will be jabbed at school. Official school enrollment rates have not yet been announced, but health officials say that children in disadvantaged areas are less likely to be immunized and therefore school education may be interrupted, according to adult patterns. He has expressed concern that it will be higher.

Parents across the country, including Tower Hamlets, Haringay, Greenwich, London borough of Merton and Leicestershire, have been invited to webinar to raise concerns with clinicians and vaccine professionals. At a session of the Burnett Council, which was attended by about 100 parents last week, health officials said whether children already suffering from Covid and having innate immunity should still be vaccinated, and other countries I was asked why the UK embarked on vaccination of children when it wasn’t. The possibility of myocarditis, myocardial inflammation, and changes in the girl’s menstrual cycle was also discussed. Some families have expressed fear that refusing to give consent may not be respected.

Health officials have reassured families that only students with “explicit parental consent” will receive jabs on school vaccination days. They understand the decision-making process known as “giric ability” and its health effects, as the “process” is currently devised to administer jabs to children who want jabs but do not have parental consent. He said he was evaluated as able to do it.




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