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Brag about giving organs.

Brag about giving organs.


About every year 35,000 people It will be added to the national waiting list in the hope of receiving the kidneys.This list will hover in total 100,000 names.. Thousands die each year while waiting for organs. Many others are too ill to receive a transplant. The need is so severe that people are urged to draw their blood type on the car next to the words “I need a kidney.” Type “need kidney” in the Twitter search bar to find users whose entire social media profile is dedicated to searching for kidneys and identified as “Need O + kidney” or “need_new_kidney_help_us”.

Last week, the New York Times Publish the story It was, in part, about Dawn Dorland, a woman who decided to give one of her kidneys to a totally stranger on that waiting list. Her donation affected a stranger’s wife. Also She has surgery to remove one of her kidneys and then goes to a stranger again. Dorland wrote on Facebook about her experience in a small private group and shared the latest medical information. She also posted a short letter sent to the recipient of his wife’s kidneys. “Through preparation for becoming a donor, I focused on imagining and celebrating most of my spiritual energy.”

The letter is at the heart of the New York Times work.Who are the bad art friends?? , “This is not about kidney donations, but about friendship and ethics in creative writing.Sonia Larson, a fellow writer that Dorland invited to the Facebook group, wrote part of Dorland’s letter. Fiction titled “The Kindest”, Larson’s admitted, Dorland-inspired, disrespectful and qualified kidney donor. Aside from many details of this entire intertwined story, in which both Dorland and Larson filed proceedings, one important theme emerged in Larson’s writings and group texts. Dorland was terribly self-justice about her altruistic gift.Similar question social media Depending on the work: Should a kidney donor be? Brag??

The answer is certainly yes. When donating an organ, talking about it is actually very good. What makes kidney deficiency unique and tragic is that there is no actual kidney deficiency technically. Most people have two kidneys, but only one can be perfectly healthy and long-lived. There are literally millions of spare kidneys in the United States. Given that 35,000 people are added to the waiting list each year, only .014% of our adult population, or 1 in 7,000, needs to donate kidneys each year to meet demand. ..In this light there is actually a huge kidney surplus..

Of course, the system of delivering healthy, spare kidneys to sick people is not entirely simple. After all, they belong to humans. The United States has settled on a kidney donation system that combines deceased and living donations. Most of the kidneys, about 70%, come from deceased donors. However, the supply from deceased donors is almost inadequate to meet demand. 2019, 16,534 dead kidneys donated, There are few dents on the waiting list for 100,000 people. This is where live donors come into play.

Most living donors are called “direct donors” because they donate directly to family and friends in need. However, not everyone has a family that matches their blood type and is willing to go through the steps. Very safe However, if complications occur, you may need to take time off from work or save money.Other, about 2 percent Of all kidney donors of the year, they are called “undirected donors.” They are strangers to recipients who simply decide to give their organs to someone in need. Giving someone a kidney, be it a loved one or a stranger, is a truly incredible act. Living donor The dialysis time can be reduced compared to that from a deceased donor, which improves recipient outcomes. They also last almost twice as long. Making someone an undirected donor has yet another advantage. “Stimulate the donor chain— The family of the person who received the kidney of the stranger donates the kidney to the stranger — involves many otherwise incompatible donor-recipient pairs. These chains can generate dozens of donations.

So: An incredible solution to a dire crisis. But in reality, there are not many undirected donors. In 2019 388.. The question is how can our society encourage more people to donate.

The Kidney Foundation, doctors, and medical ethicists have struggled with this question for years.Some ethicists suggestion Award the Medal of Honor to the donor, reward the donor for lifelong insurance coverage, or make a government donation to the retirement fund.A few Advocate donor compensationMay the government reimburse donors not only for lost work, but also for their donated organs.

None of these proposals have been adopted in this country. Some ethicists claim that the form of reward for donations solves the kidney crisis and ultimately benefits donors, while others fear the possibility of exploitation. Given this open debate, the way we settled as a society is altruistic messaging. We will do our best to inspire people to give them a part of themselves to save others. To encourage deceased donations, place a heart, a symbol of love, next to the “organ donor” on your driver’s license. To encourage live donations, donors like Dorland may be asked to talk about their experience. After giving the kidneys, Dorland was invited to the Rose Bowl Parade. This is the fact that she shared it with her private Facebook group with the hashtag #domoreforeachother.

This was a point of ridicule for Larson, the writer of the short story inspired by Dorland’s donation, and her group of friends. “I can’t help thinking she’s feeding everything,” she wrote in a text excavated during the discovery of the proceedings. Yes, posting on social media about altruistic gifts can seem a bit daunting.But the post about gifts Exactly What the kidney advocate wants the donor to do.National Kidney Donation Organization Status, On that web page, “Be a gift of someone’s life.” The other is the National Kidney Foundation, which advocates hashtags on Twitter: #bigaskbiggift. The same organization shared a video of a kidney donor with a tweet and declared:Honor the donor or recipient of the kidney that inspired you” When “How a woman’s selfless kidney donation made her a hero.. Donors are also encouraged to sport bumper stickers that show selflessness: “Ask me about my kidney donation” and “Share your spare”.The organization started a live donation Storytelling projectTo both donors and recipients, “By sharing their candid personal stories, they are each aware of the need for living donors to help solve the kidney donor deficiency. Helps to increase. “

It should be noted that undirected kidney donors are often wary of claiming heroic behavior. Undirected donors I know rarely talk about them. The reaction to doing so is strange, leading to excessive praise and often being treated like a weirdo. One undirected donor, Katie Acosta, I have written In an article about the experience, “Reactions were generally categorized into two camps. I was completely crazy or saint, but I knew neither was true.” Others take disclosure and advocacy as a reason to pull out the microscope. It wasn’t the first time Dorland was swept away in a work of art as a result of a donation. Acosta writes: “I also somehow became one of the subject of documentaries exploring altruism.”

The New York Times story raises all sorts of difficult questions that go far beyond kidney donations, such as race, plagiarism, and the nature of group texts, and ultimately things about which protagonist is more “deserving of blame.” Confused. But there is one thing that is clear. That is, kidney donors need to talk about themselves. They should encourage others to donate as well. They should reassure these same people that you can live a long and happy life with just one kidney. Maybe this looks a bit self-righteous to our others, but we need to deal with it. By speaking out loud about their generosity, donors may save a small amount of life. If something concrete comes out of a strange and complex viral saga, I hope someone else is being encouraged to donate one of their kidneys.




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