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Pediatric COVID-19 vaccine administered in Mecklenburg County

Pediatric COVID-19 vaccine administered in Mecklenburg County


While some parents are enthusiastic and excited, the data show that the majority want to wait and see, or do not want to vaccinate young children at all.

Charlotte, NC — Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccines for children Mecklenburg County, And the decision to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 is now in the hands of their parents.

This is coming The day after the CDC director Officialized by giving her a stamp of approval: Pfizer’s pediatric shots are now allowed under an emergency use permit FDA When CDC..

This is a move doctors say will help the ongoing development of the pandemic. However, the data show that many parents are hesitant.

The first COVID-19 shots were available at the next clinic. Covenant Presbyterian Church At Dilworth. Dozens of families have come out to vaccinate their younger children.

Luke Sawyers and his sisters were some of the first children to get his shots. He had the answer that most kids would want to know about vaccines.

“It didn’t hurt,” he said. WCNC Charlotte.

The moment was exciting for my family.

“I’ve always told them it’s a historic moment,” said her mother, Lauren Sawyers. “They have no meaning in the context, but in retrospect, today is an important day and important. I think. ” To be part of. “

She said they talked to a doctor and knew that protecting her children (7, 9, 11 years old) was a safe behaviour for the family, but not all parents agree. Not.

NS Survey by Kaiser Family Foundation Two-thirds of parents waited for their children to be vaccinated and found that they wanted to see or not receive them at all. Some say everything was too fast.

“MRNA technology is especially useful for developing vaccines in pandemic situations.” Dr. Amina Ahmed of Atrium Health Said.

According to doctors, side effects in children are similar to those in adults, but often less serious.

Related: Yes, children are less likely to have the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

Some parents are concerned that the long-term effects are unknown.

“At some point confidence will jump. I don’t know what will happen in five or ten years, but there’s no reason to believe it has long-term side effects,” Ahmed said. “We already have this vaccine for about a year. Nothing really stays in the system for this long to cause side effects.”

Other parents are worried Myocarditis.. Doctors say children are more likely to develop myocardial inflammation from a real COVID-19 infection.

“I feel it’s been a while,” Sawyers said. “It will give us great relief, and as we told them, it feels like part of the solution to this pandemic.”

Doctors were relieved when the shots were distributed throughout Mecklenburg County on Wednesday.

“To break the cycle and end the pandemic, we need to reach nearly 70% of vaccination or immunity at the same time, which cannot be achieved without vaccinated children,” Ahmed said. ..

NS Mecklenburg County Health Department From Thursday with the location of the health department Valerie C. Woodard Center.

Novant Health Vaccinations will begin on Thursday at East Independence Boulevard and Huntersville clinics. StarMed has pre-booked thousands of appointments starting Thursday. Atrium Health Offers shots only in pediatric clinics and the exact start date has not yet been announced. Walgreens Open the spot on Saturday, CVS on Sunday.If you are interested in booking Click here for details.

Please contact Chloe Lessner. [email protected] And follow her Facebook, twitter When Instagram..




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