Experts warn that a Mediterranean diet may harm your childbirth
![Experts warn that a Mediterranean diet may harm your childbirth Experts warn that a Mediterranean diet may harm your childbirth](
It is commonly described as the “best in the world” diet.
Many experts recommend a Mediterranean diet because of the evidence to prevent dementia, diabetes, heart disease, and even erectile dysfunction.
But experts argue that if not done correctly, it can reduce the chances of giving birth.
A team led by the University of Oslo in Norway claims that it can weaken the immune system and impede the growth and development of children.
They compared the effects of a “healthy” Mediterranean diet with a typical Western diet in 27 British students.
For a week, all participants ate their own habitual Western diet. According to the meal diary, there were few fruits, vegetables and wine.
Then they switched to a Mediterranean diet that contained lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and fats like olive oil and nuts.
Meat, dairy products and saturated fat can be eaten in small amounts.
Scientists said the urine sample contained higher levels of chemicals when participants were eating a Mediterranean diet.
As a result, the total intake of the two main ingredients, pesticides and organophosphates, has more than tripled.
However, the effect was only seen in people who ate traditionally farmed foods.
Pollutants were reduced by 90 percent when participants ate organic foods, that is, when grown without the use of pesticides.
Professor Per Ole Iversen (MD) of the University of Oslo said:
“Our research shows that the consumption of organic foods allows consumers to change to a healthier diet without increasing their intake of pesticides.”
Studies published in American Journal of Critical Nutrition, Did not investigate the effects of these toxins on human health.
However, Oslo’s visiting professor and principal investigator, Carlo Reifert, said they could affect hormones in the body.
He claimed that many of the synthetic pesticides detected were “confirmed or suspected to be endocrine disruptors (EDCs).”
EDCs are chemicals that can mimic our natural hormones, for example, prevent real hormones from doing their jobs and disrupt normal childbirth, immunity, and puberty.
They are associated with adverse health effects for many people, from cancer to diabetes and obesity.
Professor Reifert said:
“Hormonal imbalances can also have a negative impact on a child’s growth and development.
“Fruits, vegetables and whole grains grown in the traditional way are some of the main sources of environmental pollutants absorbed from our diet.
“Since the Mediterranean diet is based on such foods, those who eat it will consume 10 times more of these contaminants than diets based on organically grown foods. increase.
“Both farmed and wild fish may contain environmental pollutants, but usually in small amounts.”
EDC is found in the environment and in daily necessities such as plastics, foods, cosmetics and detergents.
“Some of the endocrine disrupting chemicals found in the environment contain certain pesticides,” said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Researchers acknowledged that they did not consider other factors, such as cosmetics, that participants may have used and may have influenced the results.
Professor Chris Searle of Newcastle University, who was involved in this study, said:
Professor Leifert said the findings may explain that people who eat organic foods have a “low incidence of overweight / obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.”
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