Why COVID antivirals can lead to more resistant mutants
San Diego (KGTV) – According to doctors, antivirals can be particularly important for variants of Omicron, but with increased protection, they carry risks. Overuse of treatment can lead to further mutations in the virus.
Pharmaceutical company Merck got a vote of support from a Food and Drug Administration adviser on Tuesday and was ready to approve its anti-COVID pill, molnupiravir, probably in a few days. The first dose may be started at the pharmacy this month.
The drug reduces the risk of COVID hospitalization for high-risk individuals by 30% lower than originally predicted.
Another Pfizer pill is not too late and looks even more effective, with an estimated 89% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths.
According to doctors, the pills have arrived just in time, and the first confirmed case of Omicron in the United States was announced Wednesday in California.
“I would be surprised if these drugs didn’t work against this strain either, so it’s good that they come with me,” said Robert Scourie, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Diego. The doctor said.
At this time, infusion of monoclonal antibodies is the best treatment that US doctors need to keep someone away from the hospital.
However, early studies suggest that Omicron is less vulnerable to these drugs. Monoclonal antibodies functioned by surrounding the virus’s peplomer and existing products from Regeneron and Eli Lilly, and were tuned for previous versions of the virus. Omicron has more than 30 mutations in peplomer.
Scientists are competing for whether Omicron will affect the effectiveness of future antivirals, but there is reason to believe that it is not. Pills target other areas of the virus that are largely unchanged on Omicron.
Dr. Davey Smith, Head of Infectious Disease Research at the University of California, San Diego, said:
According to doctors, it’s encouraging, but the more these antivirals you use, the more pressure you put on the evolution of the virus.
“Almost all antiviral drugs used so far in the history of infectious diseases ultimately result in some resistance,” said Dr. Christian Lamaze of the Family Health Center in San Diego.
Perhaps the most notorious pathogen of drug resistance is HIV. According to the World Health Organization, HIV can build some resistance to up to 10 percent of adults starting treatment.
And that’s already happening with another COVID drug. In the case reported last month, doctors gave women in their 70s intravenous remdesivir to combat persistent COVID infection.
At first, it helped. After that, the virus mutated and surged.
Doctors used another treatment, the monoclonal antibody, to overcome the infection, but the new variant did not spread. However, this episode may provide a warning for future antivirals.
“We shouldn’t oversell these things and think of them as silver bullets,” said Dr. Lamaze. “Yes, they will be useful, but they are all flawed and you may actually find them resistant to the virus after you start using them.”
“It’s better to take antivirals, but you need to be aware that resistance can occur,” said Dr. Smith.
Isolating patients while taking antivirals should reduce the risk of spreading resistant mutants, Dr. Scholey said. In addition, patients take these drugs for five days, which makes them less likely to mutate the virus compared to drugs that patients take for months or years.
Another reason experts say that antiviral drugs do not replace the need for vaccination.
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