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LA reports more than 16,000 new COVID cases today | Coronavirus News

LA reports more than 16,000 new COVID cases today | Coronavirus News
LA reports more than 16,000 new COVID cases today | Coronavirus News


Echo Park COVID test site on Reservoir Street

Los Angeles County today reported an astonishing 16,510 new COVID-19 cases. This was the highest total number of pandemics per day, up nearly 75% from Tuesday. Meanwhile, hospitalizations surged again, calling on residents to rethink their holiday gathering plans.

“As the number of cases continues to grow, it is important for us all to use tools that help control the spread,” Barbara Feller, director of the county’s public health department, said in a statement. “When you’re ready for the New Year, this includes rethinking your party plans, limiting time indoors with non-household members, and isolating you from others if you feel sick. Also, always wear a medical grade mask when in close contact with outsiders in your household.

“Limiting heartache with one of the worst COVID surges, as there is increasing evidence that boosted individuals, if vaccinated and eligible, have significant protection against severe COVID disease. The best way to do this is to get vaccinated and boost as soon as possible, “she said.

The County Public Health Service urges residents to “reduce New Year’s plans by limiting meetings to a very small number of people and ensuring that everyone is fully vaccinated and encouraged if eligible.” did. “Large and crowded events are too risky for this holiday,” the agency added in a statement.

The county reported an additional 25 COVID-related deaths today, increasing the total death toll to 27,601. With 16,510 new cases, the county totaled 1,649,376 cases from the entire pandemic.

The average daily rate for 7 days for those who tested positive for the virus also reached 17.6% and continued to rise disturbingly. This has increased from about 3% a week ago to less than 1% a month ago.

According to state statistics, the number of COVID-positive patients in county hospitals increased to 1,251 as of Wednesday, up from 1,069 the day before. Of those patients, 198 were being treated in the intensive care unit. It decreased from 207 on Tuesday.

The increase in virus-related hospitalizations has expanded the capacity of hospitals to handle more than 8,000 COVID patients in January last year, and is equipped to cope with such a surge due to various causes this winter. Factors that are being carefully watched by public health authorities concerned that they are not, especially the reduction in personnel.

In LA County, hospitalizations have skyrocketed by more than 30% in the past week. A month ago, on November 27, the state reported only 568 virus cases in the county.

The rapid spread of the virus is due to the Omicron variant of the virus, and experts say it spreads easily from person to person. Health officials said Omicron is believed to be involved in 59% of all US COVID infections, outpacing the previous delta mutation, which now accounts for 41%.

According to the Public Health Service, 54% of all COVID specimens genetically tested in the county were Omicron mutants during the week ending December 18.

Even fully vaccinated people are susceptible to Omicron infections, but health officials say they are much less likely to get seriously ill, hospitalized, or die. Last week, unvaccinated people were 21 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated people, Feller said.

Authorities say that about 90% of COVID deaths during a pandemic occurred in people with underlying illness. The most common conditions are high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

The Ministry of Health announced on Friday that it will increase access to free COVID tests amid rising demand during the holidays.

The changes are as follows:

-Extended business hours on sites throughout Los Angeles County.

-Additional week and weekend dates.

-Additional mobile test units in the hit area.

-Restart the Holiday Home Test Collection program with new guidelines to reach more people and make them easier to take tests.The link is at

County residents who are symptomatic or suspected of being infected with COVID-19 can order a home test kit. With this kit, a swab collection must be mailed to obtain PCR test results.

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