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What’s New in Covid, Australia: Due to the surge in Omicron cases, the positive test rate in New South Wales reaches 20% | New South Wales

What’s New in Covid, Australia: Due to the surge in Omicron cases, the positive test rate in New South Wales reaches 20% | New South Wales
What’s New in Covid, Australia: Due to the surge in Omicron cases, the positive test rate in New South Wales reaches 20% | New South Wales


The positive rate for Covid-19 cases in New South Wales reached a high of 20% as the number of hospitalized patients infected with the virus for the first time exceeded 1,000 due to its high contagiousness. Omicron variant Arrived.

On Sunday, the number of people hospitalized in the state’s Covid-19 exceeded 1,000 for the first time since the Omicron variant surged in cases, already doubling between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve. It increased by 18% in the day after it became.

The positive rate on Sunday also reached 20.3%. This is well above the 5% that WHO considers to be an acceptable infection rate at the start of the pandemic, with 1 in 5 tested infected with Covid.

The state recorded 18,278 new cases of Covid-19 on Sunday. This has decreased in the last two days, after the number of tests performed has decreased significantly. According to NSW Health, 90,019 people have been tested in the last 24 hours, down from 119,278 in the previous report period.

The reduction in tests follows the frequent urges by the NSW state government to not line up for PCR tests unless they are asymptomatic or considered to have close contact.

Government too Changed the definition of close contact in line with the changes agreed by the National Cabinet last week..

“New South Wales testing capabilities are currently under tremendous pressure and are the only people undergoing PCR. [nose and throat swab] Must be a person with Covid-19 symptoms. I live in a household with confirmed Covid-19 positive cases. Or, if not, NSW Health advised me to be tested, “the Health Department said in a statement on Sunday.

“Interstate highway travelers and international arrivals do not need to undergo PCR testing, instead, they should perform Rapid Antigen Tests according to their respective state and territory guidelines.”

Covid rates continue to rise nationwide, with 7,172 cases in Victoria and three virus-related deaths. Queensland Reported 3,587 cases.

Due to the heat wave, eight test sites in Victoria were closed on Saturday, eliminating queues and waiting times for test results.

Early childhood minister Ingrid Stitt said state health ministers would announce expanding access to rapid antigen testing within a few days.

“In the next few days, we’ll go into more detail on how to distribute Covid to those who are eligible to use rapid antigen testing as a way to keep it safe,” she said.

Dr. John Gerard, Queensland’s Chief Health Officer, said on Sunday that there were 112 hospitalizations out of the state’s current cases.

However, while Australian cases continue to reach record levels, there is increasing evidence that Omicron can cause milder symptoms.

Studies found from Imperial College London Up to 70% less risk of being admitted to a hospital for Omicron people compared to those infected with Delta..

Of the 112 hospitalized in Queensland, only five were being treated in the intensive care unit.

“The problem we are facing is, of course, that there are so many cases, depending on the degree of contagiousness of this virus. The severity is clearly lower, but so many. The number of cases is large, and the proportion of very large numbers is still large, “Gerrard said.

The speed of Omicron infections around the world has raised concerns for health authorities around the world. Health officials around the world warn that even milder mutations can overwhelm the health system.

Last week, WHO’s European Covid Incident Manager, Catherine Smallwood, caveat “The rapid growth of Omicron … even when combined with a slightly milder illness, it still leads to numerous hospitalizations, especially among unvaccinated groups, causing widespread disruption to the healthcare system and other important services. increase”.

In New South Wales, there is increasing evidence that the state’s health system is swaying under infection rates. The Ministry of Health said late on New Year’s Eve, in “exceptional situations”, front-line workers with asymptomatic close contact need to self-isolate for seven days to avoid interruptions in major services. Announced that there is no such thing. Evidence of a “very desperate situation”..

It follows the revelation Leakage memo revealing St. George’s Hospital In southern Sydney, they had already planned to hire nurses to deal with staff shortages and a surge in Covid’s cases.




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