Blue Monday and Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Fight Winter Blue
If you’ve ever felt less energetic, less motivated, in a bad mood, or less likely to socialize as the nights get longer and the days get shorter, these feelings are shared by many. Please know that you are.
SAD is more common among women of childbearing age, but affects both men and women.
According to Rosenthal, about 15% of Americans deal with that “subsymptomatic” form, and the symptoms may not be serious enough to be diagnosed. In the United States, “one in five people has problems in winter,” he added.
Rosenthal, a pioneer in SAD research, first explained and diagnosed this disorder in the 1980s after observing changes in mood and energy when moving from Johannesburg, South Africa to New York City in 1976.
The long-term darkness brought about by the end of daylight saving time surprised him. “I was dragging. I wasn’t as enthusiastic as I used to be,” Rosenthal explained.
“I had a hard time until spring, and then the energy came back. This happened for the third year in a row.”
What is the cause of SAD?
The cause of SAD is still controversial in the scientific community.
Rosenthal cited biological vulnerability (such as genetics and gender), diminished ambient light, and stress as causes of disability.
Rosenthal explained that people with SAD need higher intensity light to feel energy in winter, as evidenced by the abnormal pattern of melatonin secretion in winter. Melatonin is a hormone involved in the regulation of our sleep-wake cycle.
Serotonin, a mood-affecting neurotransmitter, is often named in conversations about SAD and its foundations.
“There is evidence that serotonin in the brain changes with the seasons and decreases as the days get shorter, and the bright light that shines in the eyes is a neural signal that stimulates serotonin transmission in the parts of the brain that are involved in mood regulation. There is also evidence that it will be converted, “Rosenthal explained. ..
“One hypothesis is that these serotonin pathways affect people with SAD and they do not work efficiently if there is not enough light around them,” he added.
Other experts believe that they are not fully aware of the neurochemical factors that affect SAD.
According to Desan, there is still much to learn about the causes of SAD, but there are significant advances in treatment methods for SAD, and it is important to raise awareness of those options.
“This is a major public health issue and I think most people are still very ignorant of treatment opportunities,” he said.
Feeling clumsy during the winter is a very common experience, and Desan believes that people can take SAD less seriously.
“But some people make a very important change in their winter mood, and we really want to tell that,” he added.
How to treat SAD
For many SAD patients, bright phototherapy is a very effective treatment. According to Desan, 30 minutes of exposure a day can make a big difference.
“We encourage people to be at 10,000 lux,” he explained.
“It’s clear that morning treatment is more powerful than any other time, so it’s best to treat it as soon as possible, and certainly before 8am,” he said.
“We encourage people to do it seven days a week. In the weeks of that kind of treatment, the majority of people with seasonal affective disorder will be 100% better,” Desan added.
There are many options on the lightbox market that promise to help eliminate winter blue, but not all devices are made the same. Many of them are too small or dim.
“The problem is that the FDA doesn’t regulate these light devices,” Desan said. “That is, many companies are producing really crap, which is really a waste of people’s money,” he added.
If you have a condition such as retinal disease or diabetes that can cause retinal disease, Desan recommends that you consult an ophthalmologist before trying bright phototherapy.
Phototherapy may not be sufficient or appropriate in some cases.
Rosenthal said additional effective methods for treating SAD are drug therapy and talk therapy, “especially when using cognitive-behavioral therapy that has been shown to be effective.” I did.
He also emphasized the importance of staying active (exercising, going out and taking a walk during the day) and staying sociable.
“Don’t dig a hole like a bear. Stay active and remember that your actions affect your feelings,” Rosenthal advised.
In any case, especially if you are treating depression, you should consult a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis and the best approach.
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