How to regain your smell and taste after Covid

Millions of people around the world are trying to adapt to a life without smell or taste after being infected with Covid-19.
In most cases, this sense of smell lasts only a few days or weeks, but some people still suffer months after being infected with the virus. Last year’s survey found that 700,000 to 1.6 million people in the United States lost or changed their sense of smell for more than six months. After having a covid..
And the author of the study β Jama Network Open Journal β These numbers warned that they were “likely to be undervalued” CNN..
The “exact cause” of sensory loss associated with the coronavirus is unknown, he said. Sky newsHowever, experts believe it is associated with “damage to infected cells in part of the nose called the olfactory epithelium.” Cells in this area of ββthe nasal cavity protect the sensory neurons that enable the human sense of smell.
Studies published in Nature Genetics This week’s journal suggests that genetics plays an important role in deciding whether a person loses or experiences odor and taste changes after being infected with Covid-19.
Analysis of DNA data from approximately 70,000 adults in the United Kingdom and the United States using Covid shows that people with “specific gene adjustments” on chromosomes near two olfactory genes called UGT2A1 and UGT2A24 may lose their ability to smell. Found to be 11% higher or tasted better than the unchanged person, explained Science news..
Researchers have suggested that genetic variation “may affect how two genes are turned on or off during infection and somehow disrupt the sense of smell.”
Potential treatment
A lesser-known symptom of Covid is parosmia, and people experience sensory distortions after being infected with the virus. Certain odor molecules can act as triggers and vary from person to person, but often include flavors such as coffee, meat, and eggs.
An estimated 25,000 UK adults with Covid are affected by parosmia, according to Fifth Sense, a charity for people affected by dysgeusia and dysgeusia. “, Above BBC..
Currently there is no cure for parosmia, but it was created by experts at Fifth Sense and the University of East Anglia. Online guide The proponents say that “smell training techniques” may help those who have experienced a loss or change in the sense of smell.
Training usually involves sniffing at least four unique odors, such as orange, coffee, and garlic, twice a day for months to retrain the brain and recognize different odors.
Another potential treatment for sensory dysfunction is steroids, which are anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat a variety of conditions, from eczema to arthritis. It works to reduce inflammation and reduce the activity of the immune system.
Steroids can cause appetite, mood changes, and sleep disorders, but when taken for short or low doses, they “do not tend to cause serious side effects.” NHS Website.
Spontaneous recovery
Experts argue that olfactory training is preferable to steroids for people who suffer from a lack of smell and taste as a result of Covid.Professor Karl Philpot University of East Anglia He described odor training as “a cheap, simple, side-effect-free treatment option.”
He added that “fortunately”, the vast majority of people who experience the loss of smell and taste as a result of the virus will “spontaneously” regain these sensations.
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