Having a Covid can be confusing.This is what to expect
A highly contagious subvariant of Omicron, known as BA.2, has raised concerns among health authorities as it becomes. Dominant version Of coronaviruses around the world. So far, there are signs that BA.2 is 30-80% more infectious than the original version of Omicron, and cases are already increasing in some states across the United States.
To us Prepare for a surge in cases — Vaccinations, frequent tests, high quality masks, social distance — experts are worried that the public’s ability to keep up with precautions is diminishing. And knowing what to expect from a Covid infection can still be confusing. When do I need to test? How long will your infection last?Like previous coronavirus variants, BA.2 can be very unpredictable in its timeline. Range of symptoms..
To make matters worse, I don’t know if I’m dealing with BA.2 or the original Omicron subvariant. “This is not clinically reported,” said Dr. Stuartley, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. However, Dr. Ray states that the same course of action can be applied regardless of which subvariant is used.You should mark your calendar, test for the first signs of illness, and track your oxygen levels Pulse Oximeter Be aware of signs that the infection is becoming more serious, such as difficulty breathing or chest pain.
Early evidence is that BA.2 Doesn’t make people more sick It was less serious in itself than the Delta variant than in previous versions of Omicron. However, according to Dr. Ray, each patient is different, and most patients have a mild illness that recovers in about a week, but can really get sick with BA.2. Like the original, BA.2 is good at bypassing immune defenses, even if vaccinated or boosted.
Here’s what you need to know at every stage of infection:
When and how often to take the Covid-19 test
Like the previous Omicron variants, BA.2 moves fast and actually develops people SymptomsAubrey Gordon, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, said he could feel sick a few days after being exposed to the coronavirus. Some of the early symptoms can be very similar to a cold or flu, including sore throat, stuffy nose, cough and fever. Some people also report loss of taste and smell, muscle aches, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and skin rashes. “I will test as soon as I have symptoms,” said Dr. Gordon.
If you get negative results using the home test, you should continue to take precautions and test again after 24-48 hours, Dr. Gordon said. The virus may not yet have risen to a level that can be detected by rapid diagnostics. If the symptoms persist and the test is negative at home after a few days, Lab-based PCR testIs more sensitive in detecting traces of coronavirus.
Even if you have already been vaccinated and boosted, your protective antibodies will decline over time and become more susceptible to infections.Approved by the Food and Drug Administration Second booster It is intended for the elderly and those with an underlying medical condition that is at high risk of severe illness. And while a recent match against Omicron may provide some immunity, it is possible to re-infect with a newer version.
A positive rapid antigen test gives important information about when another person was infected. If the risk is high, it is important to test early in the illness and consult a doctor to qualify. Antiviral drug Or monoclonal antibody therapy. It should be done within 5 days of the onset of symptoms.
Time to recover
According to Dr. Roy Gulick, Head of Infectious Diseases at the NewYork-Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center, early Covid-19 symptoms are fairly similar between different variants, but have changed over the course of the disease. Some patients do not have mild symptoms, while others begin to improve fever and other symptoms about 5-6 days after the initial illness.Period between The 5th and 10th days are important When you have COVID-19 Because some people are going to get worse around that time.
“The main reasons people are hospitalized are shortness of breath and hypoxia in the blood,” said Dr. Gulick. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away, especially about a week after you get sick.
Fortunately, people infected with Omicron are less likely to require hospitalization than previous waves of coronavirus, Dr. Gulick said. “If someone is hospitalized, we find that they tend to be hospitalized for mild illness and have fewer days of hospitalization,” he said. “Also, the risk of progression during hospitalization is lower than in previous variants.”
That said, Dr. Gulick said that high-risk patients may be able to take medications to prevent the progression of their symptoms, so early after a positive test result, before they have difficulty breathing. I repeated consulting with my healthcare provider.
After a week, even if the symptoms seem to have subsided, only a few people can get worse. Dr. Chaz Langerie, an expert on respiratory infections at the University of California, San Francisco, researchers have discovered that the second stage of the disease is somewhat unique to Covid-19. In the first stages of the illness, your body is actively dueling with high levels of the virus and you may get a fever — the apparent symptom that your immune system is in a big fight. .. People who experience the second stage of Covid-19 no longer have the virus in their bodies, but the immune response causes a domino effect of inflammation of the lungs, and the damage is an apparent sign of extreme fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath. May lead to or blue fingertips and lips.
According to Dr. Langerie, the second stage of the disease is less common in Omicron and the BA.2 subvariant. Vaccines, boost immunity, and previous infections allow most people to boost their immune response to the virus without causing later havoc to the rest of the body. This combination of previous immunity and milder submutants means that most people should recover completely from coronavirus infection in 2 weeks.
When it’s safe to go out and be with others
If the symptoms are gone, there is no fever for 24 hours, and the signs of other illnesses are consistently improving. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention He says he can leave the quarantine after 5 days. However, you will need to keep wearing the mask around others for another 5 days.
The caveat is that this advice is based on an older coronavirus variant. Also, some researchers are worried that it may lead to an early end to people’s isolation. Data from the original Omicron variant suggest that half of Covid-19 patients may be potentially infectious even on day 5.
Dr. Gordon and other experts recommend that you “test” your illness to ensure your safety. “Try the test on day 5, and if it’s still positive, test again on day 7,” said Dr. Gordon. Rapid home testing works very well if you have a high viral load or if you are actually infected.
If you meet the CDC criteria of a negative rapid test and alleviate symptoms, you can think clearly about yourself, but it’s still a good idea to take it easy when you return to normal activity levels.
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