Studies suggest that coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of premature death | Coffee
People who drink coffee, with or without sugar, appear to have a lower risk of premature death, but experts warn that the findings may not be attributed to the brewing itself.
According to the UK, about 98 meters of coffee is drunk every day. British Coffee AssociationThe National Coffee Association has revealed that the number is about 517m cups in the United States.
Previous studies have suggested that this beverage may be beneficial to your health and that drinking coffee reduces your risk of the following conditions: Chronic liver disease Certain cancers and even dementia..
Now, Chinese researchers have found that people who drink a moderate amount of coffee daily, whether sweetened with sugar or not, have a lower risk of death for seven years than those who do not.
Similar results were obtained with instant coffee, ground coffee, and decaffeinated coffee.
Research published in Annual report of internal medicineIs based on data from more than 171,000 participants at UK BioBank. It has collected genetic, lifestyle and health information from more than 500,000 people since its inception in 2006, including details on participants’ coffee drinking habits.
The team used death certificate data to track participants who died 3,177 for a median of seven years starting in 2009.
After considering factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, education level, smoking status, physical activity, obesity index, and diet, the team compared sugar-free coffee to those who did not drink brews. Those who drank have the lowest risk of death.
The largest reduction, or 29% lower risk of death, was seen with 2.5-4.5 drinks a day.
Even sugar-sweetened coffee showed a reduced risk of death for those who drank at least 1.5-3.5 cups a day. The tendency of those who used artificial sweeteners was not very clear.
However, in this survey, participants were asked only once about coffee drinking and other habits, relying on self-reporting. Most people who used sugar added only one spoon to their drink. In other words, it’s unclear if the results apply to specialty coffees that are high in sugar.
Naveed Sattar, a professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow who was not involved in the study, was intrigued but warned that the findings were unclear.
“The observational nature of this new study means that these conclusions are far from definitive,” he said.
“This is because coffee drinkers generally lead a wealthier and healthier life than non-drinkers. I’m not sure if observational studies can overcome these factors.” Professor Sattar added that genetic evidence does not link coffee to significant health benefits.
“I recommend people sticking to coffee or tea. Most people can adapt, preferably without sugar, and doing everything else we know, you Keeps you healthy.
In the accompanying editorial, Dr. Christina Wee, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, agreed that the findings were not definitive. But she added that drinking coffee, whether sugar-free or in modest amounts, probably didn’t seem to be harmful to most people.
“Drink it with it-but it would be wise to avoid too much caramel macchiato while more evidence is being brewed,” she writes.
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