Can you oversleep on weekends and recover lost sleep on weekdays?
Lack of sleep can be grumpy the next day, and over time it’s not just the morning. Research shows that getting good quality sleep on a regular basis can help improve all kinds of problems, such as blood sugar.
Getting a good night’s sleep gives the sporting person a sharper brain, better mood, a healthier heart, and athletic performance. Also, WebMD It is also included in the list of sleep benefits of having a more stable blood sugar level, improved immune system, and proper weight management.
However, there are some situations where it is inevitable to sleep until late at night. Some might think that if they sleep more on the weekend, their “sleep debt” may be extinguished. But according to the report Medical XpressFrench researchers will find that many people are still seriously sleep deprived after Saturday and Sunday.
“Sleeping debt” cannot be erased on weekends
The study gathered 12,000 participants, adults who sleep less than 6 hours on weekdays. According to research authors, it’s much less than what most people need, seven to eight hours per night. Dr. Damian Leger, Hotel Dew Center of Sleep and Visibility Responsible for Public Aid Hospital in Paris.
Almost a quarter of the participants said they had tough weekdays ‘lack of sleep’ At least 90 minutes or less of the sleep time they should have.
Meanwhile, 75% of sleep deprived participants say they couldn’t find a way to increase sleep on weekends or naps.
He explained that they may not have had time to do it due to lack of sleep, due to stress in noisy environments or children at home. After all, they still did not recover or erase their sleep debt.
When participants were asked about their sleep routine, the researchers found that the average amount of daily weekday sleep was fixed at 6 hours and 42 minutes. But on weekends, this increases to just 7 hours and 26 minutes.
About 27% of them say they took a nap at least once a week, and about one-third of the participants said they took a nap on weekends.
Only 18% of sleep deprived participants said they could make up for their weekday sleep deprivation, and only 15% of them could balance their sleep by sleeping more hours on weekends. There were not enough men.
Leger pointed out that this is a serious problem and is common to people in the western world, especially in urban areas.
Also read: Research says sleep deprivation can cause dandruff
Sleep deprivation: causes and effects
Leger noted that night shifts, shift work, long commute from home to work, and excessive attachment to technologies such as smartphones and computers can cause sleep deprivation.
He warns that lack of sleep can lead to various health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, if continued. Heart disease, Depression, and accidental injury.
According to Adam Klaus, a PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, CDC estimates 1 in 3 Americans Sleep less than 7 hours per night. This amount of sleep has declined steadily over the last few decades.
“Insufficient sleep is a powerful form of systemic stress,” Clause said. “So it affects functions at every level of the body, from DNA to cells, organs, performance at work and at work.”
He warned that lack of sleep was a problem without easy treatment. After all, the best sleeping foods still maintain adequate and consistent sleep.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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