Scientists discover how air pollution causes lung cancer
An international team of scientists has determined how air pollution causes lung cancer in people who have never smoked and may help medical professionals prevent and treat tumors.
researcher They discovered that particulates in polluted air cause inflammation in the lungs, which activates pre-existing dormant oncogenes. It was previously believed that air pollution caused genetic mutations that led to cancer.
The findings are based on research led by the Francis Crick Institute in London and funded by Cancer Research UK. European Society of Medical Oncology Conference in Paris on Saturday.
As the number of smokers declines, air pollution is becoming more evident as a cause of lung tumors.Estimate 300,000 lung cancer deaths Known as PM2.5, very fine pollutant particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter are emitted by vehicle exhaust and fossil fuel combustion.
“Our research fundamentally changed the way we look at the lungs. cancer For those who have never smoked,” said project leader Charles Swanton. “Cells with cancer-causing mutations naturally accumulate with age, but are usually inactive. We have demonstrated that it is possible to form
The project is part of a £14 million UK cancer research program to understand how lung cancer starts and progresses. Scientists analyzed data on PM2.5 exposure and lung cancer from her 400,000 people in the UK, Taiwan and South Korea, and performed experiments with mice, human cells and tissues.
Cigarette smoke and UV light, two important environmental carcinogens, cause mutations that damage DNA and cause tumors. But the researchers found no evidence that PM2.5 particles directly mutate DNA, leading them to look for other explanations.
They found that the particles cause inflammation, which activates existing mutations in genes that drive the development of many lung cancers.
“The mechanisms we identified may ultimately help us find better ways to prevent and treat lung cancer in nonsmokers.” To find out why some lung cells with the mutation sometimes become cancerous, while others don’t.”
Another member of the Crick research team, Emilia Lim, said the findings could also apply to other cancers linked to air pollution, such as mesothelioma and tumors of the throat and mouth. . “99% of the world’s population Living in an area that exceeds the annual World Health Organization limits for PM2.5 highlights the public health challenges posed by air pollution around the world,” she added.
One way to combat the harmful effects of air pollution may be to block a molecule called interleukin-1 beta. Interleukin-1 beta plays an important role in the inflammatory response to PM2.5. The team found this approach works with mice.
Tony Mok, a professor of medical oncology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who was not involved in the study, said the findings were “interesting and exciting.”
“This means that in the future we can ask if it will be possible to use lung scans to look for precancerous lesions in the lungs and try to reverse them with drugs,” he said. said.
He joined Swanton to emphasize the importance of reducing air pollution and lowering the risk of disease.
“The link between air pollution and lung cancer has long been known, and we now have a possible explanation,” Mok said. “Fossil fuel consumption is closely linked to pollution and carbon emissions, so there is a strong mandate to address these issues for both environmental and health reasons.”
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